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"shot" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

shot rzeczownik

rzeczownik + shot
Kolokacji: 116
jump shot • tee shot • mug shot • flu shot • pistol shot • CHIP SHOT • rifle shot • head shot • artist shot • warning shot • opening shot • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 30
1. jump shot = rzut piłką z wyskoku (w koszykówce) jump shot
2. tee shot = koszulka strzeliła tee shot
3. mug shot = zdjęcie policyjne mug shot
4. flu shot = szczepionka przeciw grypie flu shot
5. pistol shot = pistolet strzelił pistol shot
7. head shot = głowa strzeliła head shot
8. rifle shot = strzał z karabinu rifle shot
  • At one time, a rifle shot or two would have been used as a signal.
  • Less than ten minutes had gone by when Helen heard a rifle shot.
  • The rifle shot was a million times louder than anything ever heard in the world before.
  • He began his finish with a question that cut through the air like a rifle shot.
  • He had, several days past, while hunting far to the east, heard a rifle shot.
  • This time the sound of the rifle shot came afterward.
  • She never heard the rifle shot, for the bullet arrived before the sound.
  • A single rifle shot sounded from the head of the column.
  • My feet hit the sand as a rifle shot fired.
  • Only the lack of rifle shots made this "time" different from those times before.
9. artist shot = artysta strzelił artist shot
10. warning shot = strzał ostrzegawczy warning shot
11. opening shot = kadr początkowy (np. filmu) opening shot
12. title shot = strzał tytułowy title shot
13. penalty shot = rzut karny penalty shot
14. slap shot = uderzenie z kija (w hokeju na lodzie) slap shot
15. parting shot = niemiła uwaga przed odejściem parting shot
16. camera shot = kamera strzeliła camera shot
17. approach shot = zagranie jak najbliżej dołka (w golfie) approach shot
18. drop shot = dropszot, skrót (zagranie) drop shot
20. screen shot = zrzut ekranu screen shot
21. hook shot = rzut hakiem (w koszykówce) hook shot
22. gun shot = wystrzał z pistoletu gun shot
23. body shot = strzał do ciała body shot
24. cannon shot = wystrzał z armaty cannon shot
25. wrist shot = nadgarstek strzelił wrist shot
26. booster shot = dawka przypominająca booster shot
27. cortisone shot = kortyzon strzelił cortisone shot
28. tetanus shot = strzał przeciwtężcowy tetanus shot
29. pot shot = strzał na chybił trafił pot shot
30. revolver shot = rewolwer strzelił revolver shot
shot + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 18
shot clock • shot glass • shot putter • shot selection • shot blocker • ...
shot + czasownik
Kolokacji: 92
shot fires • shot misses • shot hits • shot puts • shot comes • shot goes • shot kills • shot shows • shot strikes • shot rings out • ...
czasownik + shot
Kolokacji: 83
find shot • make shots • block several shots • stop several shots • face several shots • put several shots • score on one's shot • ...
przymiotnik + shot
Kolokacji: 210
long shot • single shot • best shot • big shot • foul shot • final shot • cheap shot • clear shot • quick shot • bad shot • fatal shot • ...
przyimek + shot
Kolokacji: 18
of shots • between shots • about several shots • including shots • for a shot • ...

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