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"serve" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

serve czasownik

serve + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 362
serve customers • serve meals • serve dinner • serve drinks • serve notice • serve lunch • serve breakfast • serve coffee • serve tea • ...
czasownik + serve
Kolokacji: 97
begin serving • continue serving • serve before becoming • start serving • serve before returning • include serving • serve before joining • ...
serve + przyimek
Kolokacji: 69
serve until • serve aboard • serve alongside • serve up • serve out • ...
serve + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 135
primarily serve • better served • serve immediately • serve mainly • serve hot • formerly serve • serve warm • best serve • serve cold • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 46
  • I am not certain if they primarily serve Europe's interests.
  • It is primarily served in the northern part of the country.
  • The small regular army would primarily serve as a training agency.
  • He served primarily in the entertainment section of the military.
  • The Army was always the dominant service with the others serving primarily in a support role.
  • At that time, the company primarily served business and corporate clients around the world.
  • The services in the small towns primarily serve the surrounding community.
  • They are served primarily through the foster care system of the participating states.
  • In the early 1990s, it served primarily as a contract developer.
  • This plant plans to primarily serve the region's growing automotive industry.
2. better served = lepiej służyć better served
3. serve immediately = podawać natychmiast po przyrządzeniu serve immediately
4. serve mainly = służ głównie serve mainly
6. best serve = najlepiej służ best serve
7. serve hot = podawaj na gorąco serve hot
10. serve warm = podawaj na ciepło serve warm
13. once serve = kiedyś służ once serve
16. serve cold = podawaj na zimno serve cold
17. later serve = później służ later serve
19. serve twice = służ dwa razy serve twice
20. eventually serve = ostatecznie służ eventually serve
23. merely serve = jedynie służ merely serve
24. directly serve = bezpośrednio służ directly serve
30. serve abroad = służ za granicą serve abroad
31. commonly served = powszechnie służyć commonly served
34. simply serve = po prostu służ simply serve
35. serve openly = służ otwarcie serve openly
36. serve successively = służ kolejno serve successively
38. served daily = obsłużony codziennie served daily
43. largely serve = w dużej mierze służ largely serve
45. poorly served = ubogo obsłużony poorly served

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