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"sentence" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

sentence rzeczownik

rzeczownik + sentence
Kolokacji: 22
death sentence • prison sentence • life sentence • jail sentence • China sentence • sentence of several months • opening sentence • ...
sentence + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 8
sentence structure • sentence fragment • sentence construction • sentence reduction • sentence length • ...
sentence + czasownik
Kolokacji: 45
sentence ranging • sentence ends • sentence reads • sentence contains • sentence means • ...
czasownik + sentence
Kolokacji: 56
pass sentence • complete one's sentence • pronounce sentence • sentence is commuted • impose a sentence • sentence is reduced • ...
przymiotnik + sentence
Kolokacji: 137
maximum sentence • long sentence • mandatory sentence • short sentence • minimum sentence • single sentence • light sentence • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 36
1. maximum sentence = maksymalne zdanie maximum sentence
3. mandatory sentence = obowiązkowe zdanie mandatory sentence
  • By age 2, you may even hear a short sentence or two.
  • In a few short sentences she told him what had happened.
  • In that one short sentence, they moved to a new, more personal, level.
  • Or to let them off with a short sentence and a pat on the head?
  • He'd serve a short sentence and that would be the end of it.
  • I turned round and gave him the account in a few short sentences.
  • Why does the author use almost entirely the short sentences?
  • There it is: a few short sentences, and not a man left standing.
  • By the end of an hour I was forming short sentences.
  • He says "We all know you have to keep short sentences in some circumstances".
5. minimum sentence = najniższy wymiar kary, dolny wymiar kary, najniższy przewidziany prawem wyrok minimum sentence
6. single sentence = jedno zdanie single sentence
7. light sentence = krótki wyrok light sentence
8. five-year sentence = pięcioletnie zdanie five-year sentence
9. possible sentence = możliwe zdanie possible sentence
10. harsh sentence = wysoki wyrok, surowy wyrok harsh sentence
11. simple sentence = proste zdanie simple sentence
12. three-year sentence = trzyletnie zdanie three-year sentence
13. suspended sentence = wyrok w zawieszeniu suspended sentence
14. stiff sentence = długi wyrok stiff sentence
15. two-year sentence = dwuletnie zdanie two-year sentence
16. complete sentence = zdanie z podmiotem i orzeczeniem complete sentence
17. final sentence = ostatnie zdanie final sentence
18. full sentence = pełne zdanie full sentence
19. one-year sentence = roczne zdanie one-year sentence
20. lenient sentence = łagodny wyrok lenient sentence
21. six-month sentence = półroczne zdanie six-month sentence
22. original sentence = pierwotne zdanie original sentence
23. lesser sentence = mniejsze zdanie lesser sentence
24. whole sentence = pełne zdanie whole sentence
25. declarative sentence = wyrok deklaratywny declarative sentence
26. following sentence = następujące zdanie following sentence
27. custodial sentence = kara pozbawienia wolności custodial sentence
28. tough sentence = surowe zdanie tough sentence
29. four-year sentence = czteroletnie zdanie four-year sentence
30. six-year sentence = zdanie sześć-rok six-year sentence
31. seven-year sentence = siedmioletnie zdanie seven-year sentence
33. English sentence = Angielskie zdanie English sentence
34. eight-year sentence = ośmioletnie zdanie eight-year sentence
35. severe sentence = surowy wyrok severe sentence
36. criminal sentence = przestępcze zdanie criminal sentence
przyimek + sentence
Kolokacji: 17
under sentence • into sentences • between sentences • by sentence • with a sentence • ...

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