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"reaction" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

reaction rzeczownik

rzeczownik + reaction
Kolokacji: 60
chain reaction • audience reaction • withdrawal reaction • polymerase chain reaction • fusion reaction • skin reaction • gut reaction • ...
reaction + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 22
reaction time • reaction force • reaction mechanism • reaction rate • reaction product • ...
reaction + czasownik
Kolokacji: 67
reaction occurs • reaction produces • reaction takes • reaction seeks • reaction causes • reaction comes • reaction makes • ...
czasownik + reaction
Kolokacji: 85
cause reactions • see one's reaction • reflect one's reaction • report any withdrawal reactions • prevent withdrawal reactions • ...
przymiotnik + reaction
Kolokacji: 260
allergic reaction • chemical reaction • negative reaction • initial reaction • adverse reaction • positive reaction • mixed reaction • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 46
2. chemical reaction = reakcja chemiczna, przemiana chemiczna chemical reaction
4. initial reaction = reakcja pierwszej litery initial reaction
6. positive reaction = pozytywna reakcja positive reaction
7. mixed reaction = zróżnicowana reakcja mixed reaction
9. public reaction = publiczna reakcja public reaction
10. immediate reaction = natychmiastowa reakcja immediate reaction
14. violent reaction = gwałtowna reakcja violent reaction
  • If so, the move could cause a violent reaction against him by radical groups in Pakistan.
  • There was a violent reaction, a greater disturbance than before.
  • I thought people would have a violent reaction to it.
  • But I've got such a violent reaction to the man.
  • He took a bit of "synthetic skin" from his case and got a very violent reaction.
  • This was believed to be the first violent reaction by Indian students against attacks on them.
  • "I had a violent reaction" to the idea, he said.
  • After nearly 8,000 reported attacks on foreigners since the start of 1992, it was the first big, violent public reaction.
  • The plan had called for simply tying the girl up, but her violent reaction made Tony's next decision easy.
  • The same phrases repeated more than a few times were likely to bring a violent reaction.
15. natural reaction = naturalna reakcja natural reaction
16. knee-jerk reaction = odruchowa reakcja, nerwowa reakcja (na czyjąś wypowiedź, jakieś wydarzenie) knee-jerk reaction
21. angry reaction = zła reakcja angry reaction
22. normal reaction = normalna reakcja normal reaction
23. physical reaction = fizyczna reakcja physical reaction
24. instinctive reaction = instynktowna reakcja instinctive reaction
25. common reaction = pospolita reakcja common reaction
26. bad reaction = zła reakcja bad reaction
27. human reaction = ludzka reakcja human reaction
28. immune reaction = odpowiedź immunologiczna immune reaction
29. quick reaction = szybka reakcja quick reaction
30. organic reaction = organiczna reakcja organic reaction
31. official reaction = oficjalna reakcja official reaction
32. opposite reaction = naprzeciw reakcji opposite reaction
33. only reaction = jedyna reakcja only reaction
34. hostile reaction = wroga reakcja hostile reaction
35. possible reaction = możliwa reakcja possible reaction
36. general reaction = powszechna reakcja general reaction
37. visceral reaction = instynktowna reakcja visceral reaction
38. extreme reaction = ekstremalna reakcja extreme reaction
39. biochemical reaction = biochemiczna reakcja biochemical reaction
40. fatal reaction = śmiertelna reakcja fatal reaction
41. political reaction = polityczna reakcja political reaction
42. typical reaction = typowa reakcja typical reaction
43. exothermic reaction = reakcja egzotermiczna exothermic reaction
45. spontaneous reaction = spontaniczna reakcja spontaneous reaction
46. personal reaction = prywatna reakcja personal reaction
przyimek + reaction
Kolokacji: 21
in reaction • for one's reaction • on one's reaction • about one's reaction • by one's reaction • ...

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