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"rapid" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

rapid przymiotnik

rapid + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 293
rapid growth • rapid change • rapid expansion • rapid development • rapid succession • rapid pace • rapid increase • rapid rise • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 48
6. rapid pace = szybkie tempo rapid pace
8. rapid rise = szybki wzrost rapid rise
9. rapid rate = szybkie tempo rapid rate
11. rapid decline = szybki spadek, gwałtowny spadek rapid decline
  • This led to rapid decline in the economy and population.
  • In the early 19th century, Spanish power went into rapid decline.
  • The rapid decline in writing was due to several factors.
  • A rapid decline in physical activity has occurred between the 1980s and the 2000s.
  • It was followed by a rapid decline in its domestic political power.
  • Then they can lead to a rapid decline in the person's health.
  • However, there has been a rapid decline since then in terms of success.
  • What follows is a rapid decline into all out war between the two groups.
  • It began to experience a rapid decline starting in the mid-1990s.
  • After his death, the party he had built up went into rapid decline.
15. rapid fire = ogień maszynowy rapid fire
16. rapid response = szybka odpowiedź rapid response
17. rapid spread = szybkie rozprzestrzenianie rapid spread
19. rapid transit system = kolejka miejska lub metro rapid transit system
21. rapid heartbeat = szybkie bicie serca rapid heartbeat
22. rapid recovery = szybki powrót do zdrowia rapid recovery
23. rapid deployment = szybkie rozmieszczenie rapid deployment
24. rapid loss = szybka strata rapid loss
26. rapid evolution = szybka ewolucja rapid evolution
27. rapid improvement = szybka poprawa rapid improvement
28. rapid speech = szybkie przemówienie rapid speech
29. rapid deterioration = szybkie pogorszenie rapid deterioration
30. rapid reaction force = szybka siła reakcji rapid reaction force
31. rapid transit line = linia systemu szybkiego transportu miejskiego rapid transit line
32. rapid turnover = szybki obrót rapid turnover
33. rapid motion = szybki ruch rapid motion
34. rapid series = szybka seria rapid series
35. rapid promotion = szybki awans rapid promotion
36. rapid descent = szybkie zejście rapid descent
37. rapid test = szybki test rapid test
38. rapid success = szybki sukces rapid success
39. rapid prototyping = szybkie prototypowanie rapid prototyping
40. rapid acceleration = szybkie przyśpieszenie rapid acceleration
41. rapid shift = szybka zmiana rapid shift
42. rapid onset = szybki początek rapid onset
43. rapid action = szybkie działanie rapid action
45. rapid ascent = szybkie unoszenie się rapid ascent
46. rapid transition = szybkie przejście rapid transition
47. rapid clip = szybki zacisk rapid clip
48. rapid advancement = szybkie wspieranie rapid advancement
przysłówek + rapid
Kolokacji: 20
most rapid • extremely rapid • relatively rapid • fairly rapid • unusually rapid • ...
rapid + przyimek
Kolokacji: 3
rapid in • rapid of • rapid with

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