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"range" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

range rzeczownik

rzeczownik + range
Kolokacji: 240
mountain range • price range • age range • temperature range • frequency range • firing range • Cascade Range • target range • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 78
2. price range = przedział cenowy, widełki cenowe price range
3. age range = przedział wiekowy, zakres wiekowy, widełki wiekowe age range
5. frequency range = zakres częstotliwości (np. odbiornika, ludzkiego ucha) frequency range
6. firing range = poligon, teren strzelniczy firing range
8. target range = strzelnica target range
9. trading range = rozpiętości cenowe trading range
13. home range = areał osobniczy home range
  • The average home range for individuals was found to be 130 ha.
  • They stay in their mother's home range from anywhere between a few months and years.
  • The home range was found to be even smaller in Idaho.
  • The home range of an individual is between 1,970 and 6,110 m2.
  • That's the real reason I came here for the night, instead of to a camp closer to the home range.
  • Instead, the area they live in is termed a home range.
  • "You get a sense of his home range over time," Arnold said.
  • Average female home range are large enough to include even 20-30 male territories.
  • The size of the individual home range increases with age.
  • Costs for work done in the home range from $1,500 to $2,500.
15. model range = zakres modela model range
16. practice range = zakres próbny practice range
17. Coast Range = Zakres nadbrzeżny Coast Range
18. range of motion = zakres ruchu range of motion
19. range of topics = tematy szeregu range of topics
20. range of emotions = uczucia szeregu range of emotions
21. missile range = zakres rakietowy missile range
22. range of options = opcje szeregu range of options
23. range of issues = krąg spraw range of issues
24. sensor range = zakres czujnika sensor range
25. range of activities = zakres działań range of activities
26. range of subjects = wachlarz tematów range of subjects
28. range of services = szereg usługi range of services
29. range of products = asortyment produktów range of products
31. range of materials = materiały szeregu range of materials
33. range of disciplines = dyscypliny szeregu range of disciplines
34. range of styles = style szeregu range of styles
36. camera range = zakres kamery camera range
37. speed range = zakres prędkości speed range
38. range of hills = wzgórza szeregu range of hills
41. range of sizes = wielkości szeregu range of sizes
42. range of experience = doświadczenie szeregu range of experience
43. range of goods = asortyment towarów range of goods
45. range of courses = kursy szeregu range of courses
46. range of problems = problemy z szeregiem range of problems
48. range of several yards = szereg kilka jardów range of several yards
49. range of programs = programy szeregu range of programs
50. range of music = szereg muzyka range of music
52. range of genres = gatunki szeregu range of genres
53. artillery range = poligon artyleryjski artillery range
54. depth range = zakres głębokości depth range
55. range of events = wydarzenia szeregu range of events
56. range of search terms = szereg poszukiwania warunki range of search terms
57. range of communities = społeczności szeregu range of communities
58. date range = zakres daty date range
59. range of people = ludzie szeregu range of people
60. range of possibilities = możliwości szeregu range of possibilities
61. range of areas = obszary szeregu range of areas
62. range of industries = przemysły szeregu range of industries
63. range of skills = zakres umiejętności range of skills
65. range of several feet = szereg kilka stóp range of several feet
66. shooting range = strzelnica shooting range
67. range of sources = szereg źródła range of sources
68. energy range = zakres energetyczny energy range
69. host range = zakres żywiący host range
71. range of interest titles = tytuły szeregu interesu range of interest titles
72. distribution range = pasmo dystrybucyjne distribution range
73. detection range = zasięg wykrywania detection range
74. bombing range = bombowy zakres bombing range
75. range of BBC sites = miejsca BBC szeregu range of BBC sites
76. salary range = zakres wynagrodzeń, widełki płacowe salary range
78. test range = zakres testu test range
range + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 25
Range Rover • range missile • range finder • Range Clemens • PRICE RANGE Lunch • ...
range + czasownik
Kolokacji: 58
range extends • range includes • range makes • range overlaps • range varies • ...
czasownik + range
Kolokacji: 107
expand one's range • divide Range • bring together from a range • fire at range • encompass a range • shoot at range • ...
przymiotnik + range
Kolokacji: 197
wide range • broad range • full range • close range • long range • whole range • diverse range • limited range • narrow range • ...
przyimek + range
Kolokacji: 27
within range • into range • throughout one's range • at range • out of range • ...

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