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"push" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

push rzeczownik

rzeczownik + push
Kolokacji: 6
marketing push • push of a button • playoff push • bell push • Operation PUSH • ...
push + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 13
push button • push broom • push mower • push technology • push poll • ...
push + czasownik
Kolokacji: 6
push comes • push begins • push sends • push makes • push brings • ...
czasownik + push
Kolokacji: 5
make a push • give a push • debate with one's push • continue one's push • receive a push
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 2
1. give a push = udziel pchnięcia give a push
2. make a push = wysilić się, mocno się postarać make a push
  • But he is not hot enough to make a late push for 40-40.
  • We knew they were going to make a push at us.
  • "We don't want to wait until the final few games to make a push."
  • The Americans made a big push to get an agreement.
  • But the Republicans are making a real push to win the seat.
  • This morning we were supposed to make a big push.
  • With the problem still years away, neither party has made a serious push so far to address the issue.
  • The Giants will make a big push however to keep him.
  • Cable companies are making a push in the same direction.
  • Microsoft is expected to make a push for a greater share of the market as well.
przymiotnik + push
Kolokacji: 52
big push • final push • little push • strong push • new push • major push • ...
przyimek + push
Kolokacji: 6
with a push • for a push • of a push • in a push • at the push • ...

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