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"psychological" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

psychological przymiotnik

psychological + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 299
psychological problem • psychological effect • psychological thriller • psychological warfare • psychological factor • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 50
3. psychological thriller = thriller psychologiczny psychological thriller
12. psychological profile = profil psychologiczny psychological profile
14. psychological counseling = psychologiczne doradztwo psychological counseling
15. psychological damage = szkody psychologiczne psychological damage
17. psychological pressure = presja psychologiczna psychological pressure
18. psychological insight = psychologiczne spostrzeżenie psychological insight
20. psychological issue = psychologiczna kwestia psychological issue
22. psychological evaluation = ocena psychologiczna, badanie psychologiczne psychological evaluation
23. psychological need = psychiczna potrzeba psychological need
24. psychological condition = psychologiczny warunek psychological condition
26. psychological barrier = psychologiczna bariera psychological barrier
27. psychological reason = psychologiczny powód psychological reason
28. psychological abuse = znęcanie się psychiczne, przemoc psychiczna psychological abuse
30. psychological drama = dramat psychologiczny psychological drama
  • Although marketed as a children's book it is really a dark psychological drama, and ends with the violent death of a major character.
  • His psychological dramas about average citizens appealed to mainstream audiences.
  • A powerful psychological drama might have been wrung from this story.
  • They also both play the main roles in the film, a psychological drama.
  • For the women, most of the psychological drama takes place in the locker room, and we see only its consequences on the court.
  • But the story is more profound and is considered a major psychological drama.
  • Handel worked in a style we might have called psychological drama.
  • Her range was wide, from psychological drama to outdoor adventure to musicals.
  • The film which the director has called a "serious film" is a psychological drama that deals with dilemma of a woman.
  • The film is a meditative psychological drama set in apocalyptic atmosphere.
31. psychological health = psychiczne zdrowie psychological health
33. psychological well-being = dobre samopoczucie psychiczne psychological well-being
36. psychological advantage = przewaga psychologiczna psychological advantage
39. psychological support = psychologiczne wsparcie psychological support
41. psychological benefit = psychologiczna korzyść psychological benefit
42. Psychological Society = Psychiczne Społeczeństwo Psychological Society
43. psychological consequence = psychologiczna konsekwencja psychological consequence
46. psychological depth = psychologiczna głębokość psychological depth
47. psychological analysis = psychologiczna analiza psychological analysis
48. psychological term = psychologiczny termin psychological term
50. psychological explanation = psychologiczne wyjaśnienie psychological explanation

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