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"profit" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

profit rzeczownik

rzeczownik + profit
Kolokacji: 36
operating profit • record profit • profit of several cents • company profit • percent profit • trading profit • ...
profit + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 40
profit margin • profit motive • profit center • profit growth • profit organization • profit warning • profit forecast • ...
profit + czasownik
Kolokacji: 70
profit rises • profit falls • profit goes • profit increases • profit comes • profit taking • profit grows • profit declines • profit drops • ...
czasownik + profit
Kolokacji: 92
increase profits • report profits • generate profits • maximize profits • produce profits • expect profits • derive profits • take profits • ...
przymiotnik + profit
Kolokacji: 142
net profit • corporate profit • high profit • huge profit • big profit • annual profit • quarterly profit • third-quarter profit • low profit • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 39
1. net profit = zysk netto net profit
4. huge profit = olbrzymi zysk huge profit
5. big profit = duży zysk big profit
6. large profit = duży zysk large profit
7. small profit = niewielki zysk small profit
8. annual profit = roczny zysk annual profit
10. low profit = niski zysk low profit
13. great profit = wielki zysk great profit
16. quick profit = szybki zysk quick profit
18. potential profit = potencjalny zysk potential profit
19. pre-tax profit = zysk przed opodatkowaniem pre-tax profit
20. gross profit = zysk brutto gross profit
21. future profit = przyszły zysk future profit
22. enormous profit = ogromny zysk enormous profit
23. strong profit = silny zysk strong profit
24. handsome profit = pokaźny zysk handsome profit
  • The idea is to improve the performance of those companies and then sell them at a handsome profit.
  • We made a handsome profit on the deal, and everyone's happy.
  • Within a year the company was once more posting handsome profits.
  • He was rather a mean little man, whose chief determination seemed to be to make a handsome profit for himself whatever else might happen.
  • "Nor that you were making a handsome profit on it?"
  • There the weapons sell quickly on the street for a handsome profit.
  • He manages the property at a handsome profit to himself.
  • In the case of one such fund, investors have also turned a handsome profit.
  • Perhaps someone should let them know you made a handsome profit.
  • He hopes to make a handsome profit on this visit.
25. after-tax profit = zysk po opodatkowaniu after-tax profit
26. good profit = dobry zysk good profit
27. personal profit = osobisty zysk personal profit
28. illegal profit = nielegalny zysk illegal profit
29. short-term profit = krótkotrwały zysk short-term profit
30. total profit = łączny zysk total profit
31. tidy profit = przyzwoity zysk tidy profit
32. healthy profit = znaczny zysk healthy profit
33. modest profit = skromny zysk modest profit
34. nice profit = miły zysk nice profit
36. overall profit = ogólny zysk overall profit
37. private profit = prywatny zysk private profit
39. taxable profit = zysk podlegający opodatkowaniu taxable profit
przyimek + profit
Kolokacji: 19
for profit • into profits • of profits • in profits • on profits • ...

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