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"privately" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

privately przysłówek

czasownik + privately
Kolokacji: 134
privately owned • privately held • meet privately • speak privately • privately financed • privately funded • privately run • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 26
2. privately held = prywatnie trzymać privately held
5. privately financed = finansowany z funduszy prywatnych privately financed
6. privately run = prywatnie pobiec privately run
9. privately funded = finansowany z funduszy prywatnych privately funded
10. say privately = powiedz prywatnie say privately
11. educated privately = wykształcony prywatnie educated privately
  • At that time it had been privately printed in several countries, among them Japan.
  • Not surprisingly, for a piece written in 1876, this was privately printed.
  • A memorial volume was privately printed by his friends in 1887.
  • These letters were edited and privately printed by her sister in 1854.
  • Letters and Remains, with a longer memoir, privately printed in 1865.
  • The edition was privately printed and limited to 25 copies.
  • He had two volumes of these printed privately in Calcutta.
  • It was very common for the upper classes to have their manuscripts privately printed.
  • When she was 17, he had a volume of her poems and translations printed privately.
  • The Women's Comedy (a play) was privately printed in 1926.
17. privately think = prywatnie pomyśl privately think
18. privately admit = prywatnie przyznaj się/przyznawać się privately admit
21. privately tell = prywatnie powiedz privately tell
22. sold privately = sprzedany prywatnie sold privately
23. privately built = prywatnie zbudować privately built
24. privately agree = prywatnie zgódź się privately agree

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