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"pretty" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

pretty przysłówek

czasownik + pretty
Kolokacji: 10
get pretty • look pretty • come pretty • seem pretty • feel pretty • ...
pretty + przymiotnik
Kolokacji: 452
pretty good • pretty sure • pretty bad • pretty clear • pretty cool • pretty obvious • pretty easy • pretty strong • pretty tough • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 76
2. pretty sure = raczej pewny pretty sure
3. pretty bad = niewesoły pretty bad
4. pretty clear = całkiem czysty pretty clear
5. pretty big = całkiem duży pretty big
6. pretty cool = całkiem chłodny pretty cool
7. pretty obvious = całkiem oczywisty pretty obvious
8. pretty easy = całkiem łatwy pretty easy
9. pretty strong = całkiem silny pretty strong
10. pretty tough = całkiem nieustępliwy pretty tough
11. pretty simple = całkiem prosty pretty simple
12. pretty quick = całkiem szybki pretty quick
14. pretty decent = całkiem przyzwoity pretty decent
15. pretty hard = całkiem twardy pretty hard
16. pretty fair = całkiem uczciwy pretty fair
17. pretty impressive = całkiem imponujący pretty impressive
18. pretty funny = całkiem zabawny pretty funny
  • Being as how we just came from there on our last mission, I thought it was pretty funny.
  • Everybody seemed to think this was a pretty funny scene.
  • Somebody might think it was pretty funny if you did.
  • He thought it was pretty funny, teaching his old man a thing or three.
  • Every once in a while, he thought that was pretty funny.
  • This might have been intended as a serious point, but the rest of us thought it pretty funny.
  • And they thought those kinds of activities were pretty funny.
  • Though Teddy happened to think he was a pretty funny guy.
  • I thought it was pretty funny, me wearing this watch that told the time.
  • He can go there because he's gotten to look pretty funny again.
20. pretty high = całkiem wysoki pretty high
21. pretty certain = całkiem pewny pretty certain
22. pretty nice = całkiem miły pretty nice
23. pretty darn = ładna cera pretty darn
24. pretty serious = całkiem poważny pretty serious
25. pretty rough = całkiem szorstki pretty rough
26. pretty low = całkiem niski pretty low
27. pretty smart = całkiem bystry pretty smart
28. pretty small = całkiem mały pretty small
29. pretty confident = całkiem pewny siebie pretty confident
30. pretty safe = całkiem bezpieczny pretty safe
31. pretty solid = całkiem stały pretty solid
32. pretty important = całkiem ważny pretty important
33. pretty busy = całkiem zajęty pretty busy
34. pretty happy = całkiem szczęśliwy pretty happy
36. pretty interesting = całkiem interesujący pretty interesting
37. pretty awful = całkiem okropny, dość okropny pretty awful
38. pretty quiet = całkiem cichy pretty quiet
39. pretty heavy = całkiem ciężki pretty heavy
40. pretty stupid = dosyć głupi pretty stupid
41. pretty thin = całkiem wąski pretty thin
42. pretty poor = całkiem biedny pretty poor
43. pretty hot = całkiem gorący pretty hot
44. pretty scary = całkiem przerażający pretty scary
45. pretty special = całkiem specjalny pretty special
46. pretty exciting = całkiem pasjonujący pretty exciting
47. pretty neat = całkiem czysty pretty neat
48. pretty boring = dosyć nudny pretty boring
49. pretty sharp = całkiem ostry pretty sharp
50. pretty basic = całkiem podstawowy pretty basic
51. pretty tired = całkiem zmęczony pretty tired
52. pretty difficult = całkiem trudny pretty difficult
53. pretty grim = całkiem ponury pretty grim
54. pretty sick = całkiem chory pretty sick
55. pretty weird = całkiem dziwny pretty weird
56. pretty normal = całkiem normalny pretty normal
57. pretty great = całkiem wielki pretty great
58. pretty nasty = ładny brud pretty nasty
59. pretty old = całkiem stary pretty old
60. pretty weak = całkiem słaby pretty weak
61. pretty wild = całkiem dziki pretty wild
62. pretty accurate = całkiem dokładny pretty accurate
63. pretty common = całkiem wspólny pretty common
64. pretty dull = całkiem nudny pretty dull
65. pretty powerful = całkiem potężny pretty powerful
66. pretty rare = całkiem rzadki pretty rare
67. pretty significant = całkiem znaczny pretty significant
68. pretty awesome = całkiem robiący wrażenie pretty awesome
69. pretty strange = całkiem dziwny pretty strange
70. pretty comfortable = całkiem wygodny pretty comfortable
71. pretty expensive = całkiem drogi pretty expensive
72. pretty ugly = całkiem brzydki pretty ugly
73. pretty intense = całkiem intensywny pretty intense
74. pretty similar = całkiem podobny pretty similar
75. pretty clever = całkiem mądry pretty clever
76. pretty sad = całkiem smutny pretty sad

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