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"potential" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

potential rzeczownik

rzeczownik + potential
Kolokacji: 42
growth potential • action potential • market potential • profit potential • membrane potential • ...
potential + czasownik
Kolokacji: 7
potential exists • potential remains • potential lies • potential depends • potential increases • ...
czasownik + potential
Kolokacji: 24
realize one's potential • reach one's potential • achieve one's potential • develop one's potential • recognize the potential • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 10
  • Now you've got a chance to realize your potential and go for it.
  • And that way, won't the race realize all its potential?
  • "We just think management has the best intelligence on the business and how to realize its full potential."
  • Only in the company of others do we have the chance to fully realize our potential.
  • I think there is a feeling that the American association hasn't realized its full potential.
  • But many scientists now think the field is about to realize its potential.
  • And definitely, I have had more chance to realize my potential as a woman.
  • That was the way we realized our potential and defined success.
  • But they had never realized their potential, and weren't about to, until our gate was opened.
  • So far, they said, it is only beginning to realize its potential in cities outside the capital.
2. reach one's potential = dochodzić czyjś potencjał reach one's potential
3. achieve one's potential = osiągać czyjś potencjał achieve one's potential
4. develop one's potential = rozwijać zdolności, rozwijać potencjał develop one's potential
8. maximize one's potential = wykorzystać w sposób maksymalny swoje możliwości maximize one's potential
9. fulfil one's potential = w pełni wykorzystywać swoje możliwości fulfil one's potential
przymiotnik + potential
Kolokacji: 119
full potential • great potential • economic potential • high potential • commercial potential • enormous potential • ...
przyimek + potential
Kolokacji: 9
to one's potential • for one's potential • of potential • with potential • about the potential • ...

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