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"past" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

past rzeczownik

past + czasownik
Kolokacji: 6
past comes • haunted by one's past • past makes • past includes • past influences • ...
czasownik + past
Kolokacji: 41
know about one's past • forget the past • remember the past • reveal from the Welsh past • confront one's past • ...
przymiotnik + past
Kolokacji: 125
recent past • distant past • glorious past • troubled past • ancient past • criminal past • long past • dark past • industrial past • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 19
1. recent past = niedawna przeszłość recent past
2. distant past = daleka przeszłość distant past
  • Think of a place that you remember from your recent or distant past.
  • When your race first came to Earth, back in the distant past, what went wrong?
  • We also learn that the show does not take place in the future, but rather the distant past, over 150,000 years ago.
  • The reason is to be found in the island's distant past.
  • That had been an age away, part of her distant past.
  • Nor have all of them been in the distant past.
  • If we were in the distant past or something like that, things would have to look very different.
  • The words pulled from his distant past were difficult to find at first.
  • It already seemed like the whole thing had happened in the distant past.
  • The market took its name from a fire that happened in the distant past.
3. glorious past = cudowna przeszłość glorious past
4. troubled past = zmartwiona przeszłość troubled past
5. ancient past = starożytna przeszłość ancient past
6. long past = długa przeszłość long past
7. criminal past = przestępcza przeszłość criminal past
8. industrial past = przemysłowa przeszłość industrial past
9. dark past = ciemna przeszłość dark past
10. Nazi past = Nazistowska przeszłość Nazi past
11. remote past = zamierzchła przeszłość remote past
12. violent past = agresywna przeszłość violent past
13. immediate past = natychmiastowa przeszłość immediate past
14. mysterious past = tajemnicza przeszłość mysterious past
15. checkered past = burzliwa przeszłość checkered past
16. Communist past = Komunistyczna przeszłość Communist past
17. rich past = bogata przeszłość rich past
18. painful past = bolesna przeszłość painful past
19. historical past = historyczna przeszłość historical past
przyimek + past
Kolokacji: 16
about one's past • in the past • from the past • into the past • through one's past • ...

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