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"operator" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

operator rzeczownik

rzeczownik + operator
Kolokacji: 165
tour operator • cable operator • radio operator • telephone operator • network operator • camera operator • bus operator • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 28
1. tour operator = biuro podróży, organizator wycieczek tour operator
2. cable operator = operator kablówki cable operator
5. bus operator = operator autobusowy bus operator
7. telephone operator = telefonista, telefonistka telephone operator
10. train operator = operator kolejowy train operator
12. phone operator = operator telefonu phone operator
13. hotel operator = operator hotelowy hotel operator
14. computer operator = operator komputera computer operator
15. machine operator = operator maszyny machine operator
17. ferry operator = operator promowy ferry operator
18. transport operator = operator transportowy transport operator
19. plant operator = operator roślinny plant operator
20. radar operator = operator radarowy radar operator
22. crane operator = operator dźwigu crane operator
23. airport operator = operator lotniska airport operator
24. rail operator = operator kolejowy rail operator
25. railway operator = operator kolejowy railway operator
26. equipment operator = operator urządzeń equipment operator
28. satellite operator = operator satelitarny satellite operator
  • Like many communications companies, satellite operators invested billions in the 1990's.
  • While most satellite operators try to perform such a maneuver at the end of the operational life, only one-third succeed in doing so.
  • Those games have been made available to local cable and satellite operators in the Southeast for the 2008 season.
  • These companies can zip bits and bytes around the world, often for far less than satellite operators.
  • In 1994 it was ranked by Space News as the world's 19th largest fixed satellite operator.
  • It plans to initialize test broadcasts on various cable and satellite operators nationwide.
  • Eutelsat was the first satellite operator in Europe to broadcast television channels direct-to-home.
  • Cable systems and satellite operators with 50,000 or more subscribers began narrating shows last week on their most popular networks.
  • YES, however, has a most favored nation clause with all of its cable and satellite operators.
  • Cable systems and satellite operators with 50,000 or more subscribers will have to provide the service for their most popular networks.
operator + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 13
operator error • operator theory • operator training • operator intervention • operator assistance • ...
operator + czasownik
Kolokacji: 95
operator uses • operator says • operator offers • operator provides • operator makes • ...
czasownik + operator
Kolokacji: 13
allow the operator • use operators • operator is required • sell to operators • operator based • ...
przymiotnik + operator
Kolokacji: 85
mobile operator • private operator • large operator • local operator • amateur radio operator • independent operator • big operator • ...
przyimek + operator
Kolokacji: 13
by operators • for operators • to operators • of operators • with operators • ...

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