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"notice" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

notice czasownik

notice + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 56
notice things • notice signs • notice effects • notice one's absence • notice one's expression • notice any symptoms • ...
czasownik + notice
Kolokacji: 22
help noticing • fail to notice • seem to notice • begin to notice • appear to notice • pretend to notice • ...
notice + przyimek
Kolokacji: 41
notice about • notice by • notice during • notice in • notice on • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 20
1. notice about = zauważać około notice about
2. notice by = zauważać przez notice by
3. notice during = zauważać podczas notice during
4. notice in = zauważać w notice in
5. notice on = zauważać na notice on
  • I noticed a fine film of red on my hands and arms.
  • An interesting program is trying to get noticed on several levels out West.
  • I noticed eight eyes on me, like they were waiting for something to happen.
  • Only then did he notice the message on the back.
  • But not so dark that Brown didn't notice the form on the ground.
  • You probably noticed it on' the wall by our bed.
  • He was highly noticed on the television in the year 1982.
  • He had just noticed the single spot of blood on the floor.
  • He showed me a door, quite small, that I would not have noticed on my own.
  • That's when he noticed the blood on his dark skin.
6. notice at = zauważać przy notice at
7. notice including = zauważać w tym notice including
8. notice for = zauważać dla notice for
10. notice with = zauważać z notice with
11. notice to = zauważać aby notice to
12. notice until = zauważać do czasu gdy notice until
13. notice that = zauważyć, że notice that
15. notice among = zauważać wśród notice among
17. noticed before = zauważony wcześniej noticed before
18. notice under = zauważ poniżej notice under
19. notice over = zauważać ponad notice over
20. notice behind = zauważ z tyłu notice behind
notice + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 26
hardly notice • barely notice • scarcely notice • immediately notice • suddenly notice • ...

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