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"near" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

near przymiotnik

near + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 108
near future • near term • near side • near end • near thing • near distance • near death • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 14
1. near future = najbliższa przyszłość near future
  • Something would have to be done about him, and in the near future.
  • Such a change is not likely to happen in the very near future, however.
  • What will our lives look like in the near and far future?
  • I hope to see more of him in the near future.
  • I look forward to talking with you again in the near future.
  • I plan to use them in the very near future.
  • I hope to learn the answer to your question in the near future.
  • The play is set in a near future where people live to be 180 years old.
  • And what will happen to him in the near future?
  • What will social media be like in the near future?
2. near term = koło terminu near term
3. near side = koło strony near side
4. near end = blisko końca near end
5. near thing = fuks (coś, co prawie się nie udało) near thing
6. near distance = koło odległości near distance
7. near death = blisko śmierci near death
8. near certainty = blisko pewności near certainty
9. near monopoly = blisko monopolu near monopoly
10. near darkness = blisko ciemności near darkness
11. near collapse = blisko upadku near collapse
12. near neighbor = obok sąsiada near neighbor
13. near post = obok poczty near post
14. near disaster = koło katastrofy near disaster

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