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"monetary" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

monetary przymiotnik

monetary + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 107
monetary policy • monetary union • monetary system • monetary value • monetary damage • monetary compensation • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 18
1. monetary policy = polityka pieniężna monetary policy
2. monetary union = unia monetarna, unia walutowa monetary union
3. monetary system = system walutowy, system pieniężny monetary system
4. monetary value = wartość pieniężna monetary value
5. monetary damage = monetarne uszkodzenie monetary damage
6. monetary compensation = wynagrodzenie pieniężne monetary compensation
7. monetary award = monetarna nagroda monetary award
8. monetary fund = monetarny fundusz monetary fund
9. monetary reward = nagroda pieniężna monetary reward
10. monetary gain = pieniężny zysk monetary gain
11. monetary authority = bank centralny monetary authority
  • He described the monetary authority as "doing a good job."
  • In effect, the world's monetary authorities have decided that for the moment at least, the cure is worse than the disease.
  • "This should be done by the Palestinian monetary authority, which does not exist."
  • Here, monetary authorities should expand the money supply and let interest rates fall.
  • Established in 1994, it serves as both a monetary authority and a commercial bank for the territory.
  • Not everyone believes the dollar is going to fall further, including monetary authorities around the world.
  • Like other central banks, it is the principal monetary authority of the country.
  • The monetary authorities understand that their hegemony will only last for a time.
  • It will, of course, remain an independent central monetary authority.
  • But of course it did not stop the monetary authorities from trying.
12. monetary reform = reforma walutowa monetary reform
13. monetary term = monetarny termin monetary term
14. monetary prize = pieniężna nagroda monetary prize
15. monetary penalty = kara pieniężna monetary penalty
16. monetary donation = darowizna pieniężna monetary donation
17. monetary support = monetarne wsparcie monetary support
18. monetary loss = pieniężna strata monetary loss

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