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"modify" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

modify czasownik

modify + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 24
modify one's behavior • modify one's position • modify one's policies • modify one's proposal • modify equipment • ...
czasownik + modify
Kolokacji: 8
begin modifying • involve modifying • consider modifying • used to modify • start modifying • ...
modify + przyimek
Kolokacji: 21
modified by • modified from • modified for • modified into • modified with • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 13
1. modified by = zmodyfikowany przez modified by
  • Had he modified its behavior by his magic, or was this simply a matter of the operator's will?
  • "It's just an idea that can be used, adapted and modified by any group," the site says.
  • "Matter must continue its natural life when modified by the hand of the sculptor," he once explained.
  • A person would have to modify the unit by themselves in order to make it backup friendly.
  • It is unacceptable to try to modify the Treaties by this means.
  • The former freight house has been moved to various private locations since 1958, and modified by each owner.
  • Mine had the same, modified by an apprentice's two bars.
  • But the system itself is never impaired or modified by one bad year.
  • Used to modify the meaning of one symbol by juxtaposition with another.
  • A key part of its strategy is to have the bid rejected or modified by Federal regulators.
2. modified from = zmodyfikowany z modified from
3. modified for = zmodyfikowany dla modified for
4. modified into = zmodyfikowany do modified into
5. modified with = zmodyfikowany z modified with
6. modified in = zmodyfikowany w modified in
8. modified at = zmodyfikowany przy modified at
9. modify on = modyfikować na modify on
10. modified during = zmodyfikowany podczas modified during
11. modified over = zmodyfikowany ponad modified over
12. modified through = zmodyfikowany całkowicie modified through
13. modified after = zmodyfikowany potem modified after
modify + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 42
slightly modified • later modified • heavily modified • genetically modified • extensively modified • ...

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