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"manual" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

manual przymiotnik

manual + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 67
manual labor • manual transmission • manual control • manual worker • manual typewriter • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 9
1. manual labor = praca fizyczna manual labor
3. manual control = sterowanie ręczne manual control
4. manual worker = pracownik fizyczny manual worker
5. manual typewriter = ręczna maszyna do pisania manual typewriter
6. manual dexterity = zręczność, zdolności manualne manual dexterity
7. manual work = praca fizyczna manual work
  • Thus her concern over his doing manual work at the summer house was understandable.
  • Why were people willing to do manual work back in the 60s and 70s?
  • I can get you that in 3 months and it will save tons of manual work right away.
  • Doing manual work towards a goal is much more rewarding.
  • On family farms in the future wives were likely to have to do more manual work.
  • Guests often help with the manual work of the Abbey.
  • I felt no obligation to remain on the manual work of the tracks.
  • His disease must keep him from any sort of manual work other than painting.
  • Many with university degrees are happy to have even manual work.
  • She says that it was manual work, and very hard.
8. manual laborer = fizyczny robotnik manual laborer
9. manual recount = ręczny opisywać manual recount

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