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"majority" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

majority rzeczownik

rzeczownik + majority
Kolokacji: 80
House majority • Republican majority • Senate majority • majority of one's career • majority of one's time • majority of one's work • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 29
1. House majority = Izba większość House majority
  • What had been a 19-14 Republican majority was reduced to a single vote.
  • The Republican majority could never have passed such a provision standing alone.
  • Unfortunately, the Republican majority will not let us have that opportunity.
  • Despite public support, the Republican majority is almost certain to defeat it.
  • The majority of Republicans wanted labor unions to have less influence, at 69%.
  • "Sometimes when the Republican majority doesn't do anything," he said then, "it's probably to the benefit of the country."
  • What should the majority of Republicans in the House do?
  • The Republican majority appeared to take the delays in stride.
  • For a while, the Republican majority listened with the respect of fellow lawyers.
  • To be sure, a majority of Republicans still appears likely to support the global pact when it eventually comes to a vote.
3. Senate majority = większość senacka Senate majority
4. majority of one's career = większość z czyjś kariera majority of one's career
5. majority of one's time = większość z czyjś czas majority of one's time
6. majority of one's work = większość z czyjś praca majority of one's work
7. majority of one's life = większość z czyjś życie majority of one's life
8. majority of Americans = większość Amerykanów majority of Americans
9. majority of voters = większość wyborców majority of voters
11. majority of cases = większość przypadków majority of cases
16. majority of women = większość kobiet majority of women
19. majority of players = większość graczy majority of players
20. majority of patients = większość pacjentów majority of patients
22. majority of one's works = większość z czyjś pracuje majority of one's works
23. majority of children = większość dzieci majority of children
24. majority of men = większość ludzi majority of men
25. majority of states = większość stanów majority of states
26. majority of Democrats = większość Demokratów majority of Democrats
27. majority of one's stock = większość z czyjś towar majority of one's stock
28. majority of one's customers = większość z czyjś klienci majority of one's customers
majority + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 58
majority leader • majority vote • majority opinion • majority stake • majority owner • majority party • majority shareholder • ...
majority + czasownik
Kolokacji: 162
majority votes • majority agrees • majority supports • majority opposes • majority approves • majority believes • majority lives • ...
czasownik + majority
Kolokacji: 90
majority owned • lose one's majority • reach one's majority • increase one's majority • majority is built • elect with a majority • ...
przymiotnik + majority
Kolokacji: 107
vast majority • overwhelming majority • large majority • great majority • Democratic majority • absolute majority • simple majority • ...
przyimek + majority
Kolokacji: 15
by a majority • for the majority • with a majority • in the majority • of the majority • ...

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