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"lower" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

lower czasownik

lower + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 91
lower taxes • lower cholesterol • lower one's voice • lower one's head • lower one's eyes • lower one's hand • lower one's arms • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 25
1. lower taxes = niższe podatki lower taxes
5. lower one's eyes = spuść wzrok lower one's eyes
13. lower barriers = niższe bariery lower barriers
  • I have a plan to lower the cost of health care for you.
  • Michael was talking about how we have to continue to lower our costs.
  • The loss was expected as part of a drive to lower costs.
  • Some states offer tax benefits that may lower the cost a bit.
  • "We must and will lower costs further in the months ahead," he said.
  • Others believe that the new systems will eventually lower costs.
  • In addition to providing better health care, technology can lower costs.
  • Are there different ways of doing things or new materials you could use that would lower your costs?
  • The key to raising production is to lower its costs, she said.
  • Building on government land will allow the coalition to lower costs.
21. lower one's face = niższy czyjś twarz lower one's face
22. lower one's body = niższy czyjś ciało lower one's body
23. lower one's sword = niższy czyjś miecz lower one's sword
25. lower one's dose = niższy czyjś dawka lower one's dose
czasownik + lower
Kolokacji: 9
begin lowering • allow to lower • try to lower • propose lowering • start lowering • ...
lower + przyimek
Kolokacji: 33
lower down • lower onto • lower into • lower over • lower by • ...
lower + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 40
slowly lower • significantly lower • gently lower • carefully lower • further lower • ...

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