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"league" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

league rzeczownik

rzeczownik + league
Kolokacji: 222
Football League • Hockey League • Soccer League • Champions League • Basketball League • Ivy League • Anti-Defamation League • ...
league + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 333
league game • league debut • league title • league team • league baseball • league championship • league player • league record • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 100
  • The team would then go on to win another league title in 1975.
  • He led the team to the league title in 2003 and 2004.
  • The next season, he led the team to the league title.
  • He also led them to a first ever League title in 2007.
  • However, they have not won a league title for 20 years.
  • They won the league title 2011/12 having only lost one game away from home.
  • It came back in the 1920-1921 season to take the league title for a second time.
  • The team has won the league title in 1982 and 1985.
  • He also helped the team to win the 1987-1988 league title.
  • They won their first league title in the 2009-2010 season.
4. league team = drużyna grająca w lidze league team
20. league lead = liga prowadzenie league lead
23. league rule = przepis ligi league rule
25. league start = początek ligi league start
27. league roster = harmonogram dyżurów ligi league roster
28. league level = poziom ligi league level
31. league system = system ligi league system
32. league office = liga biuro league office
35. league president = prezydent ligi league president
36. League Cup = Liga Filiżanka League Cup
37. league footballer = piłkarz ligi league footballer
38. University league table = Tabela ligi uniwersytecka University league table
39. football league system = system ligi piłkarski football league system
40. Rugby League World Cup = Rugby trzynastoosobowe mistrzostwa świata Rugby League World Cup
41. league position = pozycja ligi league position
42. Football League Trophy = Liga piłkarska Trofeum Football League Trophy
43. Football League First Division = Liga piłkarska Pierwszy Podział Football League First Division
45. league side = liga strona league side
47. Football League Cup = Liga piłkarska Filiżanka Football League Cup
48. Major League Baseball = MLB (najważniejsza amerykańska liga baseballu) Major League Baseball
50. National League pennant = Państwowa Liga flaga National League pennant
53. Major League Soccer = Pierwsza liga Piłka Nożna Major League Soccer
54. Ivy League school = szkoła Ligi Bluszczowej Ivy League school
56. league deal = liga umowa league deal
58. Football League Championship = Mistrzostwo ligi piłkarskie Football League Championship
59. league camp = obóz ligi league camp
61. Premier League club = Premier League klub Premier League club
62. league average = średnia ligi league average
63. National League West = Państwowa Liga Zachód National League West
64. American League East = Amerykańska Liga Wschód American League East
65. National League East = Państwowa Liga Wschód National League East
66. Football League appearance = Wygląd ligi piłkarskiej Football League appearance
67. Premier League season = Pora roku Premier League Premier League season
68. American League West = Amerykańska Liga Zachód American League West
73. American League pennant = Amerykańska Liga flaga American League pennant
75. Premier League debut = Premier League debiut Premier League debut
76. league fixture = stały element wyposażenia ligi league fixture
78. National League team = Państwowa Liga zespół National League team
79. Scottish League Cup = Szkocka Liga Filiżanka Scottish League Cup
80. Football League debut = Liga piłkarska debiut Football League debut
82. league owner = właściciel ligi league owner
84. Minor League Baseball = MiLB, organizacja baseballowych lig zawodowych Minor League Baseball
85. Major League Baseball outfielder = Pierwsza liga Baseball obrońca w baseballu Major League Baseball outfielder
87. Premier League game = Gra Premier League Premier League game
88. league experience = doświadczenie ligi league experience
89. Major League debut = Pierwsza liga debiut Major League debut
90. Super League season = Liga super pora roku Super League season
91. Premier League title = Premier League tytuł Premier League title
92. Premier League goal = Cel Premier League Premier League goal
93. league finish = koniec ligi league finish
94. league winner = zwycięzca ligi league winner
95. league city = liga miasto league city
96. Premier League match = Mecz Premier League Premier League match
98. Major League Baseball Draft = Pierwsza liga Baseball Projekt Major League Baseball Draft
league + czasownik
Kolokacji: 127
league consists • league wins • league plays • league announces • league begins • league starts • league says • league folds • ...
czasownik + league
Kolokacji: 90
play in the Football League • make in the Football League • spend in the leagues • promote to the Premier League • score in the league • ...
przymiotnik + league
Kolokacji: 149
major league • minor league • professional league • big league • amateur league • national league • Little League • Italian League • ...
przyimek + league
Kolokacji: 23
out of one's league • such as Arab league • about several leagues • during the National League • around the league • ...

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