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"lead" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

lead czasownik

lead + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 359
lead singer • lead guitarist • lead protests • lead guitar • lead people • lead one's men • lead vocals • lead one's troops • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 100
2. lead guitarist = gitarzysta wiodący lead guitarist
3. lead protests = protesty wiodące lead protests
4. lead guitar = gitara prowadząca lead guitar
7. lead vocals = śpiew wiodący lead vocals
11. lead a diamond = spraw diament lead a diamond
14. lead visitors = goście wiodący lead visitors
15. lead vocalist = wokalista wiodący lead vocalist
16. lead one's regiment = prowadzić czyjś pułk lead one's regiment
17. lead women = kobiety wiodące lead women
19. lead members = członkowie wiodący lead members
21. lead a trump = spraw trąba lead a trump
23. lead investigators = oficerowie śledczy wiodący lead investigators
24. lead prayers = modlitwy wiodące lead prayers
25. lead critics = krytycy wiodący lead critics
26. lead all scorers = zaprowadź wszystkich strzelców bramki lead all scorers
28. lead researchers = pracownicy naukowi wiodący lead researchers
30. lead workshops = warsztaty wiodące lead workshops
31. lead officials = urzędnicy wiodący lead officials
33. lead one's family = prowadzić czyjś rodzina lead one's family
34. lead the Giants = zaprowadź Olbrzymy lead the Giants
36. lead author = autor wiodący lead author
37. lead services = służby wiodące lead services
38. lead a revolt = stój na czele buntu lead a revolt
39. lead the charge = dokonać wysiłku (w celu dokonania czegoś) lead the charge
41. lead the pack = prowadzić, przodować, być przed konkurencją, być ponad konkurentami lead the pack
43. lead the fight = kieruj walką lead the fight
45. lead scholars = uczeni wiodący lead scholars
49. lead the way = prowadzić, wskazywać drogę lead the way
50. lead a rebellion = kieruj buntem lead a rebellion
54. lead a tour = poprowadź wycieczkę lead a tour
56. lead a spade = spraw łopata lead a spade
57. lead analysts = analitycy wiodący lead analysts
63. lead an existence = prowadzić (marny) żywot lead an existence
65. lead a drive = poprowadź jazdę lead a drive
66. lead a raid = poprowadź wypad lead a raid
67. lead the Nets = spraw Siatki lead the Nets
68. lead a coalition = poprowadź koalicję lead a coalition
71. lead the world = przoduj na świecie lead the world
73. lead a mission = poprowadź misję lead a mission
77. lead the conference = poprowadź kongres lead the conference
78. lead a revolution = kieruj rewolucją lead a revolution
82. lead the race = kieruj wyścigiem lead the race
83. lead the field = prowadzić, przodować, być przed konkurencją, być ponad konkurentami lead the field
  • He led the field from the start, and easily won his heat in a time of 1:02.48.
  • In four of the five events, he was leading the field going into the fourth and final round.
  • In one province a woman is leading the field for Parliament.
  • No wonder we're leading the field at the start of the '90s.
  • He started as the 1/2 favourite and led the field from the start.
  • Last year (1958) they led the field with 13 places in the first 100.
  • O'Brien appeared to have a gold won after the first day, when he led the field by 124 points.
  • In the first circuit he was leading the field and looking good.
  • Chu led the field in the May 19 special election.
  • The company tries always to stay ahead of the competition, and lead the field.
84. lead one's Championship = prowadzić czyjś Mistrzostwa lead one's Championship
91. lead demonstrations = demonstracje wiodące lead demonstrations
93. lead the others = zaprowadź innych lead the others
98. lead an attempt = poprowadź próbę lead an attempt
99. lead the Jets = spraw Odrzutowce lead the Jets
100. ability to lead = umiejętność prowadzenia ability to lead
czasownik + lead
Kolokacji: 45
help lead • continue to lead • expected to lead • chosen to lead • appointed to lead • try to lead • seem to lead • go to lead • ...
lead + przyimek
Kolokacji: 82
lead to • lead by • lead off • lead down • lead out • lead up • ...
lead + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 116
eventually lead • lead directly • lead nowhere • personally lead • easily lead • led away • quickly lead • actually lead • finally lead • ...

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