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"large" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

large przymiotnik

large + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 2399
large number • large part • large amount • large company • large city • large group • large area • large population • large quantity • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 100
2. large part = większa część large part
11. large collection = duże kolekcjonowanie large collection
13. large sum = duża kwota large sum
14. large crowd = wielki tłum large crowd
15. large size = duża wielkość large size
18. large audience = licznie zgromadzona publiczność large audience
20. large proportion = duża proporcja large proportion
25. large role = duża rola large role
28. large majority = duża większość large majority
29. large percentage = wysoki procent large percentage
31. large volume = znaczna objętość large volume
34. large extent = duże rozmiary large extent
35. large shareholder = duży udziałowiec large shareholder
37. large chunk = duży kawał large chunk
39. large chain = duża sieć (np. sklepów) large chain
41. large bowl = duża miska large bowl
43. large margin = duży margines large margin
47. large tract = duży obszar large tract
50. large measure = duży środek large measure
51. large rock = duży kamień large rock
52. large stone = duży kamień large stone
53. large pot = garniec large pot
54. large facility = duży obiekt large facility
56. large dose = duża dawka large dose
57. large provider = duży dostawca large provider
59. large skillet = duża patelnia large skillet
60. large hole = duża dziura large hole
63. large gathering = liczne zgromadzenie large gathering
64. large fleet = duża flota large fleet
65. large degree = duży stopień large degree
66. large object = duży przedmiot large object
68. large mass = duża masa large mass
69. large fish = duża ryba large fish
70. large selection = szeroki wybór large selection
71. large contingent = duża reprezentacja large contingent
74. large carrier = duży przewoźnik large carrier
78. large supplier = duży dostawca large supplier
  • Cocoa is the largest supplier of water in the county.
  • At the same time it is the largest supplier to the private sector, with a 30% market share.
  • However, some of the companies known to be involved in the investigation are among the Pentagon's largest suppliers.
  • The company, she said, is among about 15 large suppliers of films in the public domain.
  • Japan emerged in the 1980's as the world's largest supplier of foreign aid.
  • In the long run it will be the Northeast's largest supplier of clean air and water.
  • The company, based in Milwaukee, is the nation's largest supplier of temporary workers.
  • Georgia- Pacific is the third largest supplier into the office market.
  • Meanwhile, it is receiving 30 percent less food from the federal government, by far its largest supplier.
  • We do not want the market to concentrate around only a few large suppliers.
79. large picture = duży obraz large picture
80. large gap = duża przerwa large gap
82. large circle = kolisko large circle
84. large wave = duża fala large wave
85. large colony = duża kolonia large colony
86. large sheet = duża kartka large sheet
87. large venue = duże miejsce large venue
88. large airline = duża linia lotnicza large airline
89. large statue = duży posąg large statue
90. large stake = duży udział large stake
91. large insurer = duży ubezpieczyciel large insurer
93. large enterprise = duże przedsiębiorstwo large enterprise
94. large minority = duża mniejszość large minority
95. large truck = duży samochód ciężarowy large truck
96. large influx = duży napływ large influx
97. large contributor = duży ofiarodawca large contributor
100. large swath = duży pokos large swath
kolokacje pogrupowane znaczeniowo
Grup znaczeniowych: 250
czasownik + large
Kolokacji: 21
grow larger • loom large • look large • become larger • make larger • ...
przysłówek + large
Kolokacji: 117
slightly larger • relatively large • unusually large • fairly large • considerably larger • sufficiently large • surprisingly large • ...
large + przyimek
Kolokacji: 20
large in • large for • large of • large on • large by • ...

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