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"issue" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

issue czasownik

issue + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 129
issue bonds • issue subpoenas • issue shares • issue permits • issue instructions • issue guidelines • issue regulations • issue commands • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 55
1. issue bonds = emitować obligacje issue bonds
  • However, at the time the market opened, only governmental entities could issue bonds.
  • But Congress could also give the bank board more authority to issue long-term bonds.
  • First, lower rates have led local governments to issue bonds at a record rate.
  • He said the decision to issue such bonds should rest with the Treasury.
  • With its dedicated funding source, it could also issue bonds.
  • Legislation was also introduced to allow the county to issue bonds for the hospital's capital program.
  • It was the first company to issue stocks and bonds.
  • This is how the deal works: In order to come up with cash for the state, the corporation had to issue bonds.
  • The program allows the state to issue 30-year bonds to pay for a variety of economic development projects.
  • Companies have up to two years in which to issue bonds after they register them.
2. issue subpoenas = wezwania do sądu kwestii issue subpoenas
4. issue rules = zasady kwestii issue rules
7. issue regulations = rozporządzenia kwestii issue regulations
8. issue guidelines = wytyczne kwestii issue guidelines
9. issue commands = kwestia rozkazuje issue commands
10. issue licenses = kwestia udziela zezwolenia issue licenses
11. issue stock = towar kwestii issue stock
12. issue cards = karty kwestii issue cards
13. issue recommendations = rekomendacje kwestii issue recommendations
15. issue visas = wizy kwestii issue visas
16. issue passports = paszporty kwestii issue passports
17. issue notes = notatki kwestii issue notes
18. issue threats = groźby kwestii issue threats
19. issue coins = monety kwestii issue coins
24. issue a decree = wydawać rozporządzenie, wydać zarządzenie, wydawać orzeczenie issue a decree
40. issue a call = wydaj wołanie issue a call
43. issue a series = wydaj serię issue a series
44. issue a decision = wydać decyzję (w kontekście sądowniczym) issue a decision
47. issue citations = cytaty kwestii issue citations
49. issue a set = wydaj zbiór issue a set
50. issue debt = kwestia dług issue debt
51. issue a version = wydaj wersję issue a version
52. issue a charter = wydaj kartę issue a charter
53. issue recordings = nagrywania kwestii issue recordings
czasownik + issue
Kolokacji: 16
begin issuing • plan to issue • expected to issue • refuse to issue • continue to issue • ...
issue + przyimek
Kolokacji: 38
issued by • issued since • issued under • issued until • issued after • ...
issue + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 46
originally issued • later issue • newly issued • issue forth • issue annually • ...

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