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"increase" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

increase czasownik

increase + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 386
increase profits • increase production • increase efficiency • increase awareness • increase sales • increase taxes • increase revenue • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 100
28. increase one's lead = zwiększ przewagę increase one's lead
31. increase one's stake = wzrastać czyjś stawka increase one's stake
34. increase one's presence = wzrastać czyjś obecność increase one's presence
35. increase one's pace = wzrastać czyjś tempo increase one's pace
37. increase one's budget = wzrastać czyjś budżet increase one's budget
44. increase competition = konkurencja wzrostu increase competition
45. increase safety = wzrost bezpieczeństwo increase safety
50. increase one's offer = wzrastać czyjś oferta increase one's offer
51. increase one's majority = zwiększać swoją przewagę increase one's majority
  • The positive response to this series served to increase the paper's circulation and influence.
  • The Democrat increased its daily circulation from 53,671 to 76,119.
  • As the journal increased its circulation, it spread beyond the local community.
  • We wanted to grow, and to increase circulation in those areas.
  • Until 1935 the Familienblatt could increase its circulation to 36,500.
  • Tactics to increase circulation are hardly new to the newspaper trade.
  • Serialized in 1905, the book helped to increase circulation to 175,000.
  • "And you may be able to install a fan to increase circulation," he said.
  • Tell me, why not increase rural circulation by offering home delivery?
  • The goal is to raise your heart rate and increase your circulation.
56. increase payments = zapłaty wzrostu increase payments
57. increase stability = stabilność wzrostu increase stability
63. increase one's margin = wzrastać czyjś margines increase one's margin
64. increase growth = wzrost wzrostu increase growth
65. increase fees = opłaty wzrostu increase fees
66. increase the amount = zwiększ ilość increase the amount
67. effort to increase = wysiłek do wzrostu effort to increase
68. increase one's holdings = wzrastać czyjś dzierżawy increase one's holdings
70. increase one's total = wzrastać czyjś suma increase one's total
80. plan to increase = plan do wzrostu plan to increase
81. increase traffic = wzrost ruch uliczny increase traffic
87. increase the probability = podnieś prawdopodobieństwo increase the probability
92. way to increase = sposób zwiększanie way to increase
97. increase several points = podnieś kilka punktów increase several points
czasownik + increase
Kolokacji: 55
help increase • continue to increase • tend to increase • plan to increase • expected to increase • seek to increase • aim to increase • ...
increase + przyimek
Kolokacji: 46
increased since • increase throughout • increase by • increase over • increase during • ...
increase + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 110
greatly increase • significantly increase • increase dramatically • steadily increase • gradually increase • increase rapidly • ...

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