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"include" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

include czasownik

include + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 3330
include interviews • include items • include representatives • include visits • include breakfast • include meals • include nausea • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 100
3. include elements = obejmuj elementy include elements
5. include items = obejmuj rzeczy include items
9. include links = obejmuj połączenia include links
  • Includes links to teacher resources and questions to ask students.
  • Much of the information will include links to Web sites.
  • It does not include links to commercial or private Web sites.
  • A test case can also include links to development items and requirements.
  • The state taxes page includes links to your state's agency.
  • I've also included links to some pages I think you might enjoy.
  • What are the rules about including links to other websites?
  • Includes numerous links and a full version of the game.
  • See also Jewish history which includes links to individual country histories.
  • This is because your settings will automatically be set to not include links.
11. include essays = obejmuj wypracowania include essays
13. include footage = obejmuj materiał filmowy include footage
14. include nausea = obejmuj mdłości include nausea
16. include fever = obejmuj gorączkę include fever
18. include measures = obejmuj środki include measures
27. include examples = obejmuj przykłady include examples
37. include details = obejmuj szczegóły include details
39. include taxes = obejmuj podatki include taxes
41. include questions = załącz pytania include questions
44. include components = obejmuj składniki include components
56. include food = obejmuj jedzenie include food
58. include access = obejmuj dostęp include access
59. include data = obejmuj dane include data
62. include lack = obejmuj brak include lack
64. include aspects = obejmuj aspekty include aspects
68. include coverage = załącz sprawozdanie include coverage
69. include software = obejmuj oprogramowanie include software
70. include animals = obejmuj zwierzęta include animals
74. include expansion = obejmuj rozwój include expansion
75. include lyrics = obejmuj liryków include lyrics
77. include dizziness = obejmuj zawroty głowy include dizziness
78. include music = obejmuj muzykę include music
90. include training = obejmuj szkolenie include training
95. include notes = obejmuj notatki include notes
98. include drugs = obejmuj leki include drugs
100. include tools = obejmuj narzędzia include tools
kolokacje pogrupowane znaczeniowo
Grup znaczeniowych: 250
czasownik + include
Kolokacji: 31
broadened to include • expanded to include • extended to include • grown to include • expected to include • decide to include • ...
include + przyimek
Kolokacji: 65
include amongst • include among • include within • included in • include under • ...
include + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 61
originally include • generally include • eventually include • formerly included • later included • frequently include • once include • ...

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