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"history" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

history rzeczownik

rzeczownik + history
Kolokacji: 305
art history • family history • franchise history • NFL history • aviation history • credit history • NBA history • baseball history • ...
history + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 71
history book • History Museum • history lesson • history professor • History Channel • history buff • history teacher • history class • ...
history + czasownik
Kolokacji: 111
history repeats • history suggests • history shows • history dating • history includes • history begins • history tells • history makes • ...
czasownik + history
Kolokacji: 224
teach history • study history • make history • change history • read history • include history • receive in history • win in one's history • ...
przymiotnik + history
Kolokacji: 470
long history • Natural History • American history • recent history • modern history • medical history • human history • ancient history • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 100
1. long history = długa historia long history
5. modern history = historia nowożytna modern history
6. medical history = historia choroby, karta pacjenta medical history
10. oral history = historia mówiona (dział historii zajmujący się przekazami ustnymi) oral history
12. rich history = bogata historia rich history
15. recorded history = dzieje spisane recorded history
16. Jewish history = Żydowska historia Jewish history
19. literary history = historia literatury literary history
22. criminal history = przeszłość kryminalna criminal history
24. intellectual history = intelektualna historia intellectual history
28. detailed history = szczegółowa historia detailed history
29. German history = Niemiecka historia German history
30. Irish history = Irlandzka historia Irish history
31. social history = historia społeczna social history
34. entire history = cała historia entire history
38. Indian history = Indyjska historia Indian history
39. African history = Afrykańska historia African history
41. contemporary history = historia współczesna contemporary history
44. religious history = religijna historia religious history
47. local history = historia lokalna, historia danego obszaru local history
51. English history = Angielska historia English history
55. whole history = cała historia whole history
  • I don't think fashion has ever made sense through the whole human history.
  • The whole history of the man came back to me in a flash.
  • In the whole history of humanity, every nation had different needs for military forces.
  • There is nothing like it in the whole history of music.
  • Why, you've told the whole history straight through, just the same as if you'd seen it with your eyes.
  • If they had lost, the whole history of Europe would have been different.
  • You could change the whole history of the planet that way.
  • But the whole history around them had made it difficult for me to ask.
  • We've got a whole history on our friend the pope.
  • I'm sure somebody here can tell you its whole history.
57. French history = Francuska historia French history
58. troubled history = zmartwiona historia troubled history
59. new history = nowa historia new history
60. maritime history = morska historia maritime history
62. true history = prawdziwa historia true history
63. Soviet history = Radziecka historia Soviet history
64. national history = krajowa historia national history
65. complex history = złożona historia complex history
67. postal history = pocztowa historia postal history
68. turbulent history = burzliwa historia turbulent history
69. general history = historia powszechna general history
72. naval history = morska historia naval history
73. shared history = wspólna historia shared history
74. Greek history = Grecka historia Greek history
76. sexual history = seksualna historia sexual history
78. colonial history = kolonialna historia colonial history
79. real history = rzeczywista historia real history
81. glorious history = cudowna historia glorious history
82. old history = stara historia old history
83. popular history = popularna historia popular history
84. previous history = poprzednia historia previous history
85. strong history = mocna historia strong history
86. proud history = dumna historia proud history
87. fascinating history = pasjonująca historia fascinating history
88. common history = wspólna historia common history
89. interesting history = interesująca historia interesting history
90. major league history = pierwsza liga historia major league history
91. corporate history = dotycząca spółki historia corporate history
92. subsequent history = późniejsza historia subsequent history
93. extensive history = rozległa historia extensive history
94. colorful history = barwna historia colorful history
95. unique history = historia jedyna w swoim rodzaju unique history
96. later history = później historia later history
97. great history = wielka historia great history
98. little history = mało historii little history
99. written history = pisemna historia written history
100. Korean history = Koreańska historia Korean history
kolokacje pogrupowane znaczeniowo
Grup znaczeniowych: 105
przyimek + history
Kolokacji: 31
throughout history • in history • of history • through history • into history • ...

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