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"highly" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

highly przysłówek

czasownik + highly
Kolokacji: 170
highly regarded • highly recommended • highly praised • highly valued • highly respected • highly paid • highly charged • highly rated • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 42
6. highly paid = bardzo zapłacić highly paid
7. highly charged = bardzo pobrać opłatę highly charged
  • And, in this highly charged state, the power can do many things.
  • One hot issue, of course, is in those two highly charged little words: health care.
  • The issue has been a highly charged one, both for political and business reasons.
  • Quality of care is already a highly charged issue for the industry, which serves 1.5 million Americans.
  • "It's been a highly charged environment here for the last two to three years," he said.
  • Bloom was moving around the room in a highly charged state.
  • He noted that the political debate over such a step was highly charged.
  • But what he did is still a highly charged issue.
  • The highly charged nature of the subject matters cuts both ways, however.
  • Nevertheless, they do have a highly charged political culture in which such institutions might be built.
11. highly prized = bardzo cenić highly prized
12. highly trained = o wysokich kwalifikacjach highly trained
13. highly educated = bardzo wykształcić highly educated
14. highly sought = bardzo szukać highly sought
15. highly touted = bardzo zachwalać highly touted
16. highly placed = wysoko postawiony (o osobie z dobrą pozycją zawodową) highly placed
18. highly qualified = bardzo wykwalifikowany highly qualified
20. highly motivated = bardzo zmobilizowany się highly motivated
24. highly ranked = bardzo umieścić w rankingu highly ranked
26. think highly = miej wysokie mniemanie think highly
27. highly classified = bardzo sklasyfikować highly classified
29. highly regulated = bardzo uregulować highly regulated
30. speak highly = wyrażaj się pochlebnie speak highly
33. highly specialized = bardzo specjalizować się highly specialized
34. highly cited = bardzo zacytować highly cited
37. highly polished = na wysoki połysk highly polished
39. highly expressed = bardzo wyrazić highly expressed
41. highly recruited = bardzo rekrutować highly recruited
42. highly structured = bardzo skonstruować highly structured
highly + przymiotnik
Kolokacji: 551
highly successful • highly unlikely • highly unusual • highly competitive • highly skilled • highly critical • highly visible • ...
przyimek + highly
Kolokacji: 3
of highly • in highly • with highly

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