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"heavily" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

heavily przysłówek

czasownik + heavily
Kolokacji: 346
rely heavily • heavily influenced • invest heavily • heavily damaged • heavily criticized • weigh heavily • breathe heavily • ...
heavily + przymiotnik
Kolokacji: 72
heavily armed • heavily forested • heavily dependent • heavily democratic • heavily wooded • heavily indebted • heavily republican • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 13
2. heavily forested = bardzo zalesiony heavily forested
3. heavily dependent = bardzo zależny heavily dependent
  • After the war, the economic crisis of the 1970s and 1980s hit the city, which was heavily dependent on its heavy industry.
  • The economy of this place is heavily dependent on agriculture.
  • Because they are heavily dependent upon the quality of their leadership special music groups tend to come and go.
  • In practice, its use and meaning are heavily dependent on context.
  • The local economy is heavily dependent on agriculture and natural gas.
  • Whether such lies are acceptable is heavily dependent on culture.
  • The country's economy, as in many other developing countries, is heavily dependent on agriculture.
  • The country's economy is heavily dependent on the production of minerals.
  • The economy of the region is heavily dependent on agriculture.
  • Within this, the regime was heavily dependent upon the civil administration.
4. heavily democratic = bardzo demokratyczny heavily democratic
5. heavily wooded = gęsto porosnąć lasem heavily wooded
6. heavily indebted = mocno zadłużony heavily indebted
7. heavily republican = bardzo republikański heavily republican
8. heavily laden = ciężko wyładowany heavily laden
9. heavily pregnant = bardzo w ciąży heavily pregnant
10. heavily accented = bardzo z akcentem heavily accented
11. heavily reliant = bardzo uzależniony heavily reliant
12. heavily fortified = dobrze umocnić heavily fortified
13. heavily armoured = bardzo pancerny heavily armoured

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