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"harsh" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

harsh przymiotnik

harsh + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 203
harsh condition • harsh word • harsh criticism • harsh reality • harsh voice • harsh critic • harsh winter • harsh light • harsh treatment • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 33
3. harsh criticism = ostra krytyka harsh criticism
4. harsh reality = okrutna rzeczywistość, brutalna rzeczywistość harsh reality
6. harsh critic = surowy krytyk harsh critic
7. harsh winter = ostra zima harsh winter
9. harsh treatment = surowe traktowanie harsh treatment
10. harsh environment = surowe środowisko harsh environment
11. harsh penalty = surowa kara (za złamanie prawa) harsh penalty
12. harsh climate = surowy klimat harsh climate
  • A harsh punishment for a boy, but it was necessary.
  • Nor is it a secret that the policy of harsh punishment does not work.
  • Girls who go to school or have jobs face rigid rules and harsh punishment at home.
  • As a result he was made an example of and suffered an extremely harsh punishment.
  • Years later, White, along with others, wondered if racism played a role in the harsh punishment.
  • He also reported that the prison began using less harsh punishment for violating rules.
  • He said an investigation would be held and promised harsh punishment for anyone found guilty.
  • He stopped all kinds of harsh punishments such as cutting off hands.
  • BUt we sure need more laws, and harsher punishments for everyone else.
  • American tourists will be warned that they are "subject to harsh punishment."
14. harsh measure = surowy środek harsh measure
15. harsh sentence = wysoki wyrok, surowy wyrok harsh sentence
16. harsh sound = ostry dźwięk harsh sound
17. harsh weather = surowa pogoda harsh weather
18. harsh tone = surowy ton harsh tone
19. harsh laugh = zgryźliwy śmiech harsh laugh
20. harsh language = ostre słowa harsh language
21. harsh glare = surowe oślepiające światło harsh glare
22. harsh whisper = surowy szept harsh whisper
23. harsh term = surowy termin harsh term
24. harsh attack = surowy atak harsh attack
25. harsh world = surowy świat harsh world
26. harsh rule = surowa zasada harsh rule
27. harsh judgment = surowe orzeczenie harsh judgment
28. harsh life = ciężkie życie harsh life
29. harsh truth = surowa prawda harsh truth
30. harsh law = surowe prawo harsh law
31. harsh wind = surowy wiatr harsh wind
32. harsh line = ostra linia harsh line
33. harsh terrain = surowy teren harsh terrain
czasownik + harsh
Kolokacji: 6
sound harsh • grow harsh • turn harsh • become harsh • consider harsh • ...
przysłówek + harsh
Kolokacji: 23
particularly harsh • unusually harsh • extremely harsh • unduly harsh • especially harsh • ...
harsh + przyimek
Kolokacji: 7
harsh on • harsh with • harsh in • harsh for • harsh to • ...

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