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"halfway" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

halfway przysłówek

czasownik + halfway
Kolokacji: 61
stop halfway • get halfway • come halfway • go halfway • reach halfway • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 7
1. stop halfway = zatrzymać się w połowie drogi stop halfway
2. get halfway = dostań w połowie drogi get halfway
  • I got halfway to the door before her voice stopped me.
  • Will got halfway across the room before the man looked up.
  • They got halfway across the room before she used them.
  • He got halfway out of his chair, then sat back down.
  • The sun was nearly going down, and the youth had not got more than halfway up.
  • Maybe its because they were essentially free if you got on at the door halfway down.
  • But before he could get halfway there, someone else beat him to it.
  • One day we will be able to get halfway to Mars in 25 hours.
  • "We had two kids here couldn't even get halfway up."
  • Most times he didn't even get halfway into the word, but the day had taken its toll.
3. come halfway = przyjdź w połowie drogi come halfway
4. go halfway = dojdź do połowy drogi go halfway
5. reach halfway = dojdź w połowie drogi reach halfway
6. pause halfway = pauza w połowie drogi pause halfway
7. stand halfway = stań w połowie drogi stand halfway

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