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"ground" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

ground rzeczownik

rzeczownik + ground
Kolokacji: 99
burial ground • training ground • hunting ground • cricket ground • breeding ground • parade ground • fishing ground • testing ground • ...
ground + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 153
ground floor • ground level • ground force • ground beetle • ground troop • ground rule • ground crew • Ground Zero • ground cover • ...
ground + czasownik
Kolokacji: 76
ground shakes • ground includes • ground begins • ground breaking • ground trembles • ground seems • ground hosts • ground holds • ...
czasownik + ground
Kolokacji: 151
break ground • lose ground • gain ground • give ground • provide grounds • stand one's ground • hold one's ground • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 38
2. lose ground = tracić dystans do kogoś lose ground
3. gain ground = stać się znanym, popularnym, zyskać popularność gain ground
4. give ground = ustąpić, zmienić opinię give ground
6. stand one's ground = nie ustępować pola stand one's ground
8. hold one's ground = nie ustępować pola hold one's ground
9. challenge on grounds = wyzwanie na terenach challenge on grounds
10. regain ground = odzyskaj ziemię regain ground
11. serve as a training ground = służ jako teren treningowy serve as a training ground
12. make ground = stać się znanym, popularnym, zyskać popularność make ground
13. seek ground = poszukuj ziemi seek ground
14. hit the ground = przybyć na miejsce działania hit the ground
16. ground known = ziemia znany ground known
20. reach the ground = sięgnij po ziemię reach the ground
23. go to ground = zejść do podziemia (ukryć się) go to ground
24. share ground = ziemia akcyjna share ground
25. keep to the ground = trzymaj na ziemię keep to the ground
27. ground is used = ziemia jest używana ground is used
28. see the ground = zobacz ziemia see the ground
29. ground surrounded = podstawa dotyczyła ground surrounded
30. move to ground = przeprowadź się do terenu move to ground
31. ground based = ziemia oparła ground based
32. ground is included = ziemia jest obejmowana ground is included
  • There was also a third position, taking the middle ground.
  • I don't want to take ground and then give it back.
  • They would have to come up, ready to take the solid ground.
  • She had yet to learn the difference between taking ground and holding it.
  • She decided to return to her original plan, to take the high ground, and the advantage.
  • Their position seems to be that "they are taking the moral high ground".
  • She'd expected him to take higher ground, but instead, he'd gone for lower, using the shelter cut from the earth by the water long ago.
  • Now the brigade had to take the high ground on the left of the road.
  • He decided to take the high ground and have you resign.
  • Someone had beaten us here, despite my efforts to be the first and take the high ground.
34. ground called = ziemia zadzwoniła ground called
36. ground is owned = teren jest posiadany ground is owned
37. release on grounds = zwolnienie na terenach release on grounds
38. bury ground = zasyp ziemię bury ground
przymiotnik + ground
Kolokacji: 232
high ground • common ground • middle ground • solid ground • moral ground • fertile ground • flat ground • rocky ground • ...
przyimek + ground
Kolokacji: 34
below ground • close to the ground • of ground • for ground • off the ground • ...

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