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"gross" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

gross przymiotnik

gross + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 101
gross product • gross income • gross revenue • gross margin • gross negligence • gross receipt • gross violation • gross profit • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 15
1. gross product = brutto produkt gross product
2. gross income = dochód brutto gross income
3. gross revenue = brutto przychód gross revenue
5. gross negligence = rażące zaniedbanie gross negligence
6. gross receipt = ordynarne pokwitowanie gross receipt
7. gross violation = rażące naruszenie gross violation
8. gross profit = zysk brutto gross profit
9. gross sales = sprzedaż brutto gross sales
10. gross weight = waga brutto gross weight
11. gross error = błąd gruby gross error
  • But this was such a gross error, so easily detected by anyone who touched it.
  • This has always proved to be a gross error, I thought.
  • A year ago, we could point to two or three cases of gross error in results.
  • "There is still time to correct what would be such a gross error."
  • Some 1,200 Lebanese died because of this gross error in judgment.
  • To consider it in the first place was a gross error of judgment.
  • Laughing was a gross error and he knew it, but he couldn't help himself.
  • But to see in it the government of the future socialist society is to commit a gross error.
  • We made a gross error that has caused a lot of problems.
  • Or when he feared the consequences of a gross error.
12. gross tonnage = tonaż brutto gross tonnage
13. gross misconduct = rażące wykroczenie gross misconduct
14. gross value = wartość brutto gross value
15. gross indecency = obraza moralności gross indecency

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