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"genetic" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

genetic przymiotnik

genetic + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 236
genetic material • genetic engineering • genetic disorder • genetic code • genetic study • genetic mutation • genetic information • ...
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Kolokacji: 51
4. genetic code = kod genetyczny genetic code
7. genetic disease = choroba genetyczna genetic disease
9. genetic factor = genetyczny czynnik genetic factor
10. genetic diversity = różnorodność genetyczna genetic diversity
16. genetic makeup = genetyczny makeup genetic makeup
17. genetic defect = wada genetyczna genetic defect
20. genetic marker = marker genetyczny genetic marker
21. genetic change = genetyczna zmiana genetic change
23. genetic basis = genetyczna podstawa genetic basis
24. genetic condition = genetyczny warunek genetic condition
26. genetic trait = cecha genetyczna genetic trait
27. genetic component = genetyczny składnik genetic component
28. genetic drift = dryf genetyczny, dryft alleli, zjawisko Wrighta genetic drift
31. genetic structure = genetyczna struktura genetic structure
32. genetic data = genetyczne dane genetic data
34. genetic cause = genetyczny powód genetic cause
35. genetic relationship = pokrewieństwo genetyczne genetic relationship
36. genetic abnormality = nieprawidłowość genetyczna genetic abnormality
37. genetic link = genetyczne połączenie genetic link
38. genetic technique = genetyczna metoda genetic technique
39. genetic experiment = genetyczny eksperyment genetic experiment
40. genetic background = genetyczne tło genetic background
41. genetic sequence = genetyczny ciąg genetic sequence
42. genetic heritage = genetyczny spadek genetic heritage
43. genetic inheritance = genetyczny spadek genetic inheritance
45. genetic variability = zmienność genetyczna genetic variability
  • There are many sources of genetic variability in a population:
  • The world's plantations of cocoa are short on genetic variability.
  • In this area, the greatest genetic variability in the world was found.
  • There are so few wolves that they have lost genetic variability.
  • In small populations where genetic variability is low, individuals are more genetically similar.
  • Together they form a monophyletic group, with very low genetic variability.
  • Because of high genetic variability, seeds may have different characteristics compared to the parent plant.
  • Since their numbers are low there is a high risk of them losing too much genetic variability to survive.
  • The lack of genetic variability created a susceptible host population for the organism.
  • If a population has no genetic variability, scientists say, it cannot evolve through natural selection in response to long-term environmental changes.
48. genetic influence = genetyczny wpływ genetic influence
49. genetic similarity = genetyczne podobieństwo genetic similarity
50. genetic resource = genetyczny zasób genetic resource
51. genetic damage = genetyczne uszkodzenie genetic damage

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