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"fixed" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

fixed przymiotnik

fixed + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 88
fixed rate • fixed point • fixed number • fixed income • fixed price • fixed amount • fixed period • fixed position • fixed asset • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 14
1. fixed rate = stała stopa, oprocentowanie stałe fixed rate
2. fixed number = ustalona liczba fixed number
3. fixed point = punkt stały fixed point
4. fixed income = stały dochód fixed income
5. fixed price = stała cena fixed price
6. fixed amount = konkretna suma fixed amount
7. fixed period = określony termin fixed period
8. fixed position = ustalone miejsce reklamy fixed position
9. fixed asset = środek trwały fixed asset
10. fixed cost = koszt stały fixed cost
  • However, a fixed cost must be paid for each card.
  • Don't ignore fixed costs such as pay for staff who could be working on something else.
  • By definition, there are fixed costs in the long run.
  • There is that, though they also don't have a fixed cost of manufacture yet.
  • There are fixed costs for the advocate at the trial.
  • In other words, the business would not need to sell so many tables to make sure it could pay its fixed costs.
  • Over time, the importance of these "fixed costs" has become more important to managers.
  • Fixed costs are high because of the area's expensive rents.
  • Fixed costs will be constant whatever the volume of sales.
  • The company has made many of its fixed costs variable, particularly those related to personnel.
11. fixed term = termin ustalony fixed term
12. fixed percentage = ustalony procent fixed percentage
13. fixed time = ustalony czas fixed time
14. fixed date = ustalona data fixed date

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