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"fight" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

fight czasownik

fight + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 223
fight fires • fight crime • fight terrorism • fight infection • fight AIDS • fight corruption • fight cancer • fight poverty • fight forces • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 53
2. fight crime = zwalczać przestępczość fight crime
3. fight terrorism = terroryzm walki fight terrorism
5. fight AIDS = walka AIDS fight AIDS
6. fight corruption = przeciwdziałać korupcji fight corruption
  • "I fought corruption my whole life," she says in the commercial.
  • She must also move to fight corruption, build the rule of law and reduce the military's role in business.
  • The record shows that those who fight corruption put life and career at risk.
  • Now, he said, it would call on them to fight corruption in government.
  • "After these last three years of fighting corruption, I've seen that the local party officials aren't working for the people," he said.
  • But, my father told me to learn to fight corruption, make your way.
  • Then it says two years later a group of four students join up to fight corruption in education.
  • Is it really possible to fight corruption at the highest level?
  • These are the basic tools we should use to fight corruption.
  • As you know, the Union has been increasingly active in fighting corruption during the last years.
8. fight poverty = ubóstwo walki fight poverty
11. fight one's way = przepychać się, przedzierać się fight one's way
12. fight the time = walcz z czasem fight the time
14. fight an action = walcz z działaniem fight an action
15. fight monsters = potwory walki fight monsters
16. fight drugs = leki walki fight drugs
17. fight inflation = inflacja walki fight inflation
18. fight side = walka strona fight side
20. fight back tears = powstrzymywać łzy, powstrzymywać się od płaczu fight back tears
21. fight a duel = toczyć pojedynek fight a duel
23. fight the urge = walcz z pragnieniem fight the urge
25. ability to fight = umiejętność na walkę ability to fight
28. fight troops = wojsko walki fight troops
29. fight demons = demony walki fight demons
32. way to fight = droga do walki way to fight
33. fight piracy = piractwo walki fight piracy
35. fight evil = zło walki fight evil
36. fight terrorists = terroryści walki fight terrorists
38. fight people = ludzie walki fight people
39. fight extradition = walka ekstradycja fight extradition
41. fight tears = łzy walki fight tears
42. fight ships = statki walki fight ships
43. fight attempts = próby walki fight attempts
44. fight discrimination = dyskryminacja walki fight discrimination
46. fight opponents = przeciwnicy walki fight opponents
47. fight words = słowa walki fight words
48. fight terror = walka przerażenie fight terror
49. fight Tyson = walka Tyson fight Tyson
51. fight insurgents = buntownicy walki fight insurgents
52. fight hunger = głód walki fight hunger
53. fight injustice = niesprawiedliwość walki fight injustice
czasownik + fight
Kolokacji: 72
die fighting • stop fighting • start fighting • keep fighting • continue fighting • begin fighting • help fight • vow to fight • ...
fight + przyimek
Kolokacji: 62
fight for • fight against • fight off • fight over • fight back • fight alongside • fight down • fight out • ...
fight + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 113
fight hard • fight bravely • successfully fight • fight fiercely • bitterly fought • fight valiantly • fight together • fight desperately • ...

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