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"explicitly" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

explicitly przysłówek

czasownik + explicitly
Kolokacji: 152
explicitly stated • explicitly mentioned • explicitly say • explicitly reject • explicitly refer • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 16
  • This, too, is explicitly described as an excerpt from a future history book.
  • Also, this section explicitly describes the separation of church and state.
  • He illustrates this with a Jewish story, explicitly described as such.
  • He keeps the special effects to a minimum until the end, and the murders are explicitly described rather than seen.
  • The song explicitly describes the aggressiveness and power of the game.
  • In certain cases, this group operation can be explicitly described without using and .
  • None of them endorsed the program's effectiveness and some explicitly described it as dangerous.
  • In those letters, Manuel describes explicitly all his sexual affairs.
  • Some particular examples have been described explicitly by Yurtsever (1988 a ).
  • The report itself explicitly describes the extent to which each abuse involved interrogations.
explicitly + przymiotnik
Kolokacji: 6
explicitly political • explicitly sexual • explicitly christian • explicitly religious • explicitly erotic • ...

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