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"enormous" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

enormous przymiotnik

enormous + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 458
enormous amount • enormous pressure • enormous power • enormous number • enormous success • enormous influence • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 63
2. enormous pressure = ogromne ciśnienie enormous pressure
3. enormous power = ogromna moc enormous power
5. enormous success = ogromny sukces enormous success
7. enormous cost = ogromny koszt enormous cost
9. enormous impact = ogromny wpływ enormous impact
10. enormous size = ogromna wielkość enormous size
12. enormous potential = ogromny potencjał enormous potential
14. enormous problem = ogromny problem enormous problem
15. enormous eye = ogromne oko enormous eye
16. enormous change = ogromna zmiana enormous change
17. enormous popularity = ogromna popularność enormous popularity
18. enormous wealth = ogromne bogactwo enormous wealth
19. enormous difference = ogromna różnica enormous difference
20. enormous profit = ogromny zysk enormous profit
21. enormous challenge = ogromne wyzwanie enormous challenge
22. enormous advantage = ogromna zaleta enormous advantage
23. enormous loss = ogromna strata enormous loss
24. enormous debt = ogromny dług enormous debt
25. enormous room = ogromny pokój enormous room
26. enormous strength = ogromna siła enormous strength
27. enormous energy = ogromna energia enormous energy
28. enormous weight = ogromna waga enormous weight
29. enormous risk = ogromne ryzyko enormous risk
30. enormous importance = ogromne znaczenie enormous importance
31. enormous increase = ogromny wzrost enormous increase
32. enormous growth = ogromny wzrost enormous growth
33. enormous task = ogromne zadanie enormous task
34. enormous benefit = ogromna korzyść enormous benefit
36. enormous range = ogromny zakres enormous range
37. enormous respect = ogromny szacunek enormous respect
38. enormous tree = ogromne drzewo enormous tree
39. enormous damage = ogromne uszkodzenie enormous damage
41. enormous force = ogromna siła enormous force
42. enormous interest = ogromny interes enormous interest
43. enormous mass = ogromna masa enormous mass
45. enormous difficulty = ogromna trudność enormous difficulty
46. enormous variety = ogromna różnorodność enormous variety
47. enormous expense = ogromny koszt enormous expense
48. enormous relief = ogromna ulga enormous relief
49. enormous hand = ogromna ręka enormous hand
50. enormous resource = ogromny zasób enormous resource
51. enormous volume = ogromna pojemność enormous volume
52. enormous value = ogromna wartość enormous value
53. enormous burden = ogromny ciężar enormous burden
54. enormous distance = ogromna odległość enormous distance
55. enormous body = ogromne ciało enormous body
56. enormous investment = ogromna inwestycja enormous investment
57. enormous collection = ogromne kolekcjonowanie enormous collection
58. enormous demand = ogromne żądanie enormous demand
59. enormous talent = ogromny talent enormous talent
60. enormous sense = ogromny sens enormous sense
61. enormous effect = ogromny efekt enormous effect
  • It had an enormous effect on Christopher's personality and life.
  • But the public trial is likely to have an enormous effect in shaping the nation's attitude toward its past.
  • Both the drug experiments and the job had an enormous effect on Kesey's writing.
  • The memory had an enormous, purely physical effect on him.
  • Class size has an enormous effect on school budgets and taxes.
  • The space itself has an enormous effect on the show.
  • But it became clear that the deal would have a potentially enormous effect on the company's individual units.
  • Parents can have such an enormous effect on your lives together that you need to work out the boundaries right at the beginning.
  • "There's an opportunity for women to show their stuff and I think that alone will have an enormous effect on the private marketplace."
  • The latter move had an enormous effect on the future of American sports.
62. enormous wave = ogromna fala enormous wave
63. enormous proportion = ogromna proporcja enormous proportion
przysłówek + enormous
Kolokacji: 5
potentially enormous • most enormous • truly enormous • equally enormous • absolutely enormous
enormous + przyimek
Kolokacji: 3
enormous in • enormous with • enormous for

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