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"engage" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

engage czasownik

engage + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 34
engage forces • engage the Treasury • engage students • engage one's attention • engage people • engage targets • engage the enemy • ...
czasownik + engage
Kolokacji: 15
try to engage • want to engage • continue to engage • allow to engage • engage in called • ...
engage + przyimek
Kolokacji: 34
engage in • engage with • engage during • engaged to • engage until • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 25
1. engage in = zajmij się engage in
2. engage with = zaangażować się w coś engage with
  • I was having a real problem getting him engaged with life.
  • Her most current work is engaged with the democratic value of public education.
  • Not engaged with the process, the players never looked either.
  • She had never engaged in small talk with anyone before.
  • To engage with children is a very big thing for me right now.
  • You learn how to engage with God through pretty much every human experience.
  • "But that was only because they were all engaged with my people."
  • No one really wants to engage with the human cost of it.
  • Thank you to those who took the time to engage with these events.
3. engage during = interesować podczas engage during
4. engaged to = zainteresowany aby engaged to
5. engage until = interesować do czasu gdy engage until
6. engage on = interesować na engage on
7. engage at = interesować przy engage at
8. engage for = interesować dla engage for
9. engage against = interesować przeciwko engage against
10. engage through = zainteresuj całkowicie engage through
11. engage over = interesować ponad engage over
12. engage by = interesować przez engage by
13. engage from = interesować z engage from
15. engage about = interesować około engage about
16. engage under = zainteresuj poniżej engage under
17. engage without = zainteresuj na zewnątrz engage without
18. engage after = zainteresuj potem engage after
19. engage into = interesować do engage into
20. engaged upon = zainteresowany na engaged upon
21. engage before = zainteresuj wcześniej engage before
22. engage within = zainteresuj wewnątrz engage within
23. engage throughout = zainteresuj przez cały czas engage throughout
24. engaged since = zainteresowany od tej pory engaged since
25. engage around = zainteresuj wokół engage around
engage + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 97
actively engaged • fully engaged • heavily engaged • primarily engaged • directly engage • ...

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