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"early" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

early przysłówek

czasownik + early
Kolokacji: 388
leave early • begin early • start early • arrive early • die early • mentioned earlier • released early • retire early • occur early • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 100
  • Games begin early in the morning and continue until dark.
  • The cause of death was heart disease which began a year earlier.
  • Hours begin early in the morning and run late into the evening.
  • The feeling that something is different may begin early in life.
  • As you go on, they will begin earlier in the course of the hour's exercise.
  • Her love for education began early; at the age of 16 she was already teaching in county day schools.
  • But early in the 80's a kind of Indian summer began.
  • He wouldn't get enough sleep going to bed at this hour, and work would begin early in the morning.
  • But schools and local governments did not begin as early.
  • He says his love for the American musical began early.
8. retire early = przejdź na wcześniejszą emeryturę retire early
15. come early = przyjdź wcześnie come early
22. earlier known = wcześniejszy znany earlier known
27. say earlier = powiedz wcześniej say earlier
30. made earlier = uczyniony wcześniejszy made earlier
37. go early = pójdź wcześnie go early
38. used earlier = użyty wcześniej used earlier
39. found earlier = uważany za wcześniejszy found earlier
41. set earlier = umieść wcześniej set earlier
44. move early = rusz się wcześnie move early
46. get early = dostań wcześnie get early
47. founded earlier = założony wcześniej founded earlier
54. born earlier = urodzony wcześniejszy born earlier
57. stated earlier = stwierdzony wcześniej stated earlier
60. score early = zdobądź punkt wcześnie score early
64. heard earlier = słyszany wcześniej heard earlier
65. wake up early = budzić się wczesny wake up early
67. struggle early = walka wczesny struggle early
71. arrested earlier = aresztowany wcześniej arrested earlier
72. proposed earlier = zaproponowany wcześniej proposed earlier
74. win earlier = wygraj wcześniej win earlier
76. lead early = zaprowadź wcześnie lead early
77. created earlier = stworzony wcześniej created earlier
80. sent earlier = wysłany wcześniej sent earlier
81. run earlier = pobiegnij wcześniej run earlier
84. signed earlier = podpisany wcześniej signed earlier
88. break early = rozbij wcześnie break early
89. stop early = zatrzymaj się wcześnie stop early
90. told earlier = powiedziany wcześniej told earlier
91. diagnosed early = zdiagnozowany wcześnie diagnosed early
92. exist earlier = istniej wcześniej exist earlier
93. reached earlier = dojść wcześniej reached earlier
94. hit early = uderz wcześnie hit early
96. apply early = zastosuj wcześnie apply early
98. injured early = zraniony wcześnie injured early
100. bought earlier = kupiony wcześniej bought earlier
early + przymiotnik
Kolokacji: 4
early medieval • evident early • early christian • available early

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