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"drug" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

drug rzeczownik

rzeczownik + drug
Kolokacji: 64
prescription drug • cancer drug • AIDS drug • chemotherapy drug • drug of choice • ...
drug + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 316
Drug Administration • drug dealer • drug use • drug interaction • drug company • drug abuse • drug trafficking • drug addict • ...
drug + czasownik
Kolokacji: 87
drug prescribes • drug causes • drug interacts • drug affects • drug works • drug dealing • drug includes • drug increases • drug makes • ...
czasownik + drug
Kolokacji: 117
use drugs • sell drugs • prescribe drugs • deal drugs • buy drugs • take drugs • drug called • develop drugs • include drugs • ...
przymiotnik + drug
Kolokacji: 207
illegal drug • anti-inflammatory drug • performance-enhancing drug • generic drug • experimental drug • illicit drug • recreational drug • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 41
1. new drug = nowy lek new drug
5. generic drug = lek generyczny, lek odtwórczy, generyk generic drug
7. illicit drug = niedozwolony lek illicit drug
8. recreational drug = narkotyk zażywany okazjonalnie recreational drug
10. antiviral drug = lek przeciwwirusowy antiviral drug
11. similar drug = podobny lek similar drug
12. powerful drug = silnie działający lek powerful drug
14. hard drug = silny lek hard drug
15. expensive drug = drogi lek expensive drug
16. dangerous drug = niebezpieczny lek dangerous drug
19. effective drug = lek skuteczny effective drug
21. psychedelic drug = halucynogenny narkotyk psychedelic drug
22. brand-name drug = markowy lek brand-name drug
23. psychoactive drug = substancja psychoaktywna psychoactive drug
24. old drug = stary lek old drug
25. cholesterol-lowering drug = cholesterol-obniżenie lek cholesterol-lowering drug
26. antidepressant drug = środek przeciwdepresyjny lek antidepressant drug
27. cheap drug = tani lek cheap drug
29. only drug = jedyny lek only drug
30. potent drug = silnie działający lek potent drug
32. psychotropic drug = lek psychotropowy psychotropic drug
33. pharmaceutical drug = lek, lekarstwo, produkt leczniczy pharmaceutical drug
  • There are a variety of natural products and pharmaceutical drugs based on phthalamide.
  • The ultimate aim is the development of new pharmaceutical drugs.
  • We want to avoid pharmaceutical drugs as much as possible.
  • In Cuba, there is a need to import certain pharmaceutical drugs.
  • Many of the studies on pharmaceutical drugs were done on men, and women may react differently.
  • Administration is the delivery of a pharmaceutical drug to a patient.
  • Expenditure on pharmaceutical drugs is almost twice the amount of those for the entire hospital sector.
  • These things aren't so surprising, when you consider that most pharmaceutical drugs are derived from plants.
  • The need for the testing and approval of the toxins in certain pharmaceutical drugs became more important after the disaster.
  • The liposome can be used as a vehicle for administration of nutrients and pharmaceutical drugs.
34. popular drug = popularny lek popular drug
35. promising drug = obiecując lek promising drug
36. anti-cancer drug = lek przeciwnowotworowy anti-cancer drug
37. available drug = dostępny lek available drug
38. particular drug = szczególny lek particular drug
39. intravenous drug = lek do wstrzykiwania dożylnego intravenous drug
40. synthetic drug = syntetyczny lek synthetic drug
41. oral drug = doustny lek oral drug
przyimek + drug
Kolokacji: 26
against drugs • on drugs • including drugs • about drugs • for drugs • ...

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