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"depict" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

depict czasownik

depict + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 120
depict scenes • depict figures • depict events • depict characters • depict people • depict images • depict animals • depict a woman • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 16
2. depict events = przedstaw wydarzenia depict events
3. depict figures = przedstaw liczby depict figures
  • Giotto was the first artist to depict three-dimensional figures in western European art.
  • When he depicted human figures, it was similarly in a very stylized way.
  • Many of his sculptures depict national figures and events in Canada.
  • The site boasts over 300 carvings depicting both animal and human figures.
  • Each has medallions depicting Chinese figures at home and in the garden.
  • His works are purely wooden sculptures depicting human and animal figures.
  • His expressive work often depicts historical figures and is held in public collections worldwide.
  • By this time, also, the portraits depicted the same Presidents and other historical figures that we see today.
  • He often depicted controversial figures in London society on the first page of the paper.
  • His paintings depict lively small figures, often with intense gazes.
4. depict characters = przedstaw charaktery depict characters
5. depict people = przedstaw ludzi depict people
6. depict images = przedstaw obrazy depict images
7. depict animals = przedstaw zwierzęta depict animals
12. depict landscapes = przedstaw krajobrazy depict landscapes
14. depict subjects = przedstaw tematy depict subjects
15. depict Christ = przedstaw Chrystusa depict Christ
16. depict aspects = przedstaw aspekty depict aspects
czasownik + depict
Kolokacji: 3
used to depict • avoid depicting • known depicting
depict + przyimek
Kolokacji: 26
depicted in • depict by • depicted on • depict with • depict at • ...
depict + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 41
frequently depicted • accurately depict • generally depicted • graphically depict • commonly depicted • ...

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