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"dense" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

dense przymiotnik

dense + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 153
dense forest • dense fog • dense vegetation • dense cloud • dense wood • dense jungle • dense foliage • dense cluster • dense smoke • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 23
2. dense fog = gęsta mgła dense fog
4. dense cloud = gęsta chmura dense cloud
5. dense wood = gęste drzewo dense wood
6. dense jungle = gęsta dżungla dense jungle
7. dense foliage = gęste listowie dense foliage
8. dense cluster = gęsta grupka dense cluster
10. dense thicket = gęsty gąszcz dense thicket
11. dense population = gęsta populacja dense population
12. dense area = gęsty obszar dense area
13. dense growth = gęsty wzrost dense growth
14. dense stand = gęsty stojak dense stand
15. dense mass = gęsta masa dense mass
16. dense undergrowth = gęste zarośle dense undergrowth
17. dense network = gęsta sieć dense network
18. dense atmosphere = gęsta atmosfera dense atmosphere
19. dense cover = gęste nakrycie dense cover
20. dense canopy = gęsty baldachim dense canopy
21. dense woodland = gęsty las dense woodland
  • All types of country except dense woodland, but especially near water; often in towns and villages.
  • After passing a few residences, the road continues into dense woodland.
  • It is a bird of open rather than dense woodlands, and frequently feeds on the ground.
  • On the far side of these lay more dense woodland, in which the trees were so close together that the ground was invisible.
  • During the night a storm descended upon them and they became lost in the dense woodland.
  • Looking around, he saw they were quite high above the forest, gentle fields leading down into dense woodland below them.
  • The road continues through dense woodland before making a turn to the east and passing several homes.
  • With that, she turned abruptly and hurried past Tom into the dense woodlands.
  • After the curve, Route 11 heads through very dense woodlands.
  • These trunks indicate that the area was once covered in dense woodland.
22. dense material = gęsty materiał dense material
23. dense layer = gęsta warstwa dense layer
przysłówek + dense
Kolokacji: 14
most dense • extremely dense • incredibly dense • relatively dense • fairly dense • ...
dense + przyimek
Kolokacji: 3
dense with • dense in • dense for

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