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"decide" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

decide czasownik

decide + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 31
decide one's fate • decide one's future • decide one's destiny • decide things • right to decide • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 12
2. decide one's future = decydować czyjś przyszłość decide one's future
3. decide one's destiny = decydować czyjś los decide one's destiny
4. decide things = rozstrzygnij sprawy decide things
5. right to decide = prawy decydować right to decide
  • People had a right to decide how to spend their money rather than the government.
  • "No one but you has a right to decide what goes into your body."
  • As patients we have every right to decide what happens to us.
  • You have no right to decide this for his life.
  • And what gives them or the court the right to decide such a thing?
  • As if he had a right to decide things for her.
  • Every woman has a right to decide about her own body.
  • And, in the end we should respect their right to decide for themselves.
  • But they are not within their rights to decide this themselves.
  • Such a meeting should take place even if the board has the right to decide on the change by itself.
6. decide the issue = rozstrzygnij kwestię decide the issue
7. decide the case = przesądź o przypadku decide the case
10. decide one's course = decydować czyjś kurs decide one's course
11. decide the winner = rozstrzygnij zwycięzcę decide the winner
12. decide policy = rozstrzygnij politykę decide policy
czasownik + decide
Kolokacji: 20
try to decide • expected to decide • need to decide • meet to decide • allow to decide • get to decide • ...
decide + przyimek
Kolokacji: 31
decide upon • decide against • decide on • decide between • decide by • ...
decide + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 75
finally decide • eventually decide • decide early • suddenly decide • quickly decide • simply decide • later decide • unanimously decide • ...

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