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"day" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

day rzeczownik

rzeczownik + day
Kolokacji: 272
Election Day • Christmas Day • Labor Day • opening day • Memorial Day • Independence Day • wedding day • glory day • feast day • ...
day + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 141
day care • Day Parade • day laborer • day camp • day trip • day job • day school • day game • Day War • Day celebration • ...
day + czasownik
Kolokacji: 256
day dawns • day passes • day wears • day arrives • day spends • day follows • day grows • day ends • day begins • day seems • ...
czasownik + day
Kolokacji: 424
open day • day passed • day followed • give several days • sentence to several days • go in several days • get several days • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 100
1. open day = dzień otwarty open day
  • The last time he allowed three home runs was opening day in Seattle.
  • He is hopeful of being ready for opening day, 12 days from now.
  • For opening day today, he took to the 55 acres of woods behind his house.
  • It's opening day in Chicago and you're the new guy.
  • I can't use it at the moment because we're keeping our window open a little, day and night.
  • It is expected to be ready for opening day next season.
  • On opening day this year, the figure was just shy of $36 million.
  • "I'll be here on opening day next year, just to see him come back."
  • On opening day last season, those totals were 5 and 57.
  • On Opening day of 1981 only 10,672 entered the gates.
2. day passed = dzień minął day passed
3. day followed = dzień nastąpił day followed
6. go in several days = pójdź za kilka dni go in several days
7. get several days = dostań kilka dni get several days
8. say in days = powiedz za dni say in days
10. complete in several days = kompletny za kilka dni complete in several days
13. send within several days = wyślij w ciągu kilku dni send within several days
14. use for several days = wykorzystanie do kilku dni use for several days
16. die within several days = umrzyj w ciągu kilku dni die within several days
17. eat for several days = zjedz przez kilka dni eat for several days
18. know from one's days = wiedzieć czyjś dni know from one's days
19. serve several days = obsłuż kilka dni serve several days
22. leave in several days = zostaw w kilku dniach leave in several days
24. record in several days = zapis w kilku dniach record in several days
26. remember from one's days = pamiętać z czyjś dni remember from one's days
27. day is numbered = dzień jest ponumerowany day is numbered
28. shoot in several days = postrzel się w kilka dni shoot in several days
29. arrive in several days = przybądź do kilku dni arrive in several days
32. make within several days = zrób w ciągu kilku dni make within several days
33. get for several days = dostań za kilka dni get for several days
35. receive several days = otrzymaj kilka dni receive several days
36. complete several days = kompletny kilka dni complete several days
37. miss several days = zatęsknij za kilkoma dniami miss several days
39. operate several days = posługuj się kilkoma dniami operate several days
41. hold over several days = przełóż kilka dni hold over several days
42. live to day = żyj do dnia live to day
44. mean several days = chciej kilka dni mean several days
45. tell about one's day = mówić czyjś dzień tell about one's day
46. visit on the day = wizyta w dzień visit on the day
48. reach in several days = dojdź za kilka dni reach in several days
50. play every day = zagraj codziennie play every day
51. return in several days = powrót za kilka dni return in several days
54. end after several days = koniec po kilku dniach end after several days
56. recall the days = przypomnij sobie dni recall the days
57. day is filled = dzień jest napełnić się day is filled
58. stop for several days = zatrzymaj się na kilka dni stop for several days
59. include several days = obejmuj kilka dni include several days
60. announce on the day = ogłoś w dzień announce on the day
61. coincide with one's Day = zbiegać się czyjś Dzień coincide with one's Day
62. day is marked = dzień jest zaznaczony day is marked
63. remember the day = przypomnij sobie dzień remember the day
64. day is gone = na dzień wchodzą day is gone
65. end the day = skończ dzień end the day
66. start the day = zacznij dzień start the day
67. day is observed = dzień jest obchodzony day is observed
68. begin the day = rozpocznij dzień begin the day
69. celebrate as one's Day = świętować jak czyjś Dzień celebrate as one's Day
70. play for several days = gra przez kilka dni play for several days
71. day is called = do dnia dzwonią day is called
72. day is known = dzień jest znany day is known
75. reduce to several days = zredukuj do kilku dni reduce to several days
76. day is held = dzień odbywa się day is held
77. last to several days = ostatni do kilku dni last to several days
78. win in several days = wygraj za kilka dni win in several days
79. see the day = zobacz dzień see the day
81. move in the day = zakwateruj dzień move in the day
83. leave the day = zostaw dzień leave the day
84. save the day = uratować sytuację save the day
85. release the day = zwolnij dzień release the day
88. go after day = ścigaj dnia go after day
90. change in the days = zmiana w dniach change in the days
91. return within several days = powrót w ciągu kilku dni return within several days
92. see for days = zobacz przez dni see for days
94. survive for several days = przeżyj przez kilka dni survive for several days
95. pay within several days = zapłać w ciągu kilku dni pay within several days
96. perform several days = wykonaj kilka dni perform several days
97. shut down for a day = zostań zamkniętym na jeden dzień shut down for a day
98. limit to several days = limit do kilku dni limit to several days
99. make to the day = zrób co do dnia make to the day
100. die after several days = umrzyj po kilku dniach die after several days
przymiotnik + day
Kolokacji: 398
early day • final day • single day • sunny day • following day • consecutive day • busy day • rainy day • coming day • holy day • ...
przyimek + day
Kolokacji: 42
per day • following day • by day • that day • out the day • ...

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