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"customer" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

customer rzeczownik

rzeczownik + customer
Kolokacji: 51
business customer • bank customer • cable customer • telephone customer • target customer • ...
customer + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 82
customer service • customer base • customer satisfaction • customer demand • customer complaint • customer support • ...
customer + czasownik
Kolokacji: 178
customer pays • customer buys • customer chooses • customer includes • customer comes • customer wants • customer receives • ...
czasownik + customer
Kolokacji: 135
serve customers • attract customers • allow customers • draw customers • provide customers • lose customers • charge customers • ...
przymiotnik + customer
Kolokacji: 156
potential customer • regular customer • corporate customer • residential customer • loyal customer • best customer • large customer • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 37
4. residential customer = klient mieszkający na miejscu residential customer
6. new customer = nowy klient new customer
8. big customer = duży klient big customer
9. best customer = najlepszy klient best customer
13. retail customer = nabywca detaliczny retail customer
14. old customer = stary klient old customer
15. individual customer = klient indywidualny individual customer
16. industrial customer = przemysłowy klient industrial customer
17. good customer = dobry klient good customer
18. young customer = młody klient young customer
19. local customer = miejscowy klient local customer
20. American customer = Amerykański klient American customer
21. only customer = jedyny klient only customer
22. satisfied customer = usatysfakcjonowany klient, zadowolony klient satisfied customer
23. foreign customer = odbiorca zagraniczny foreign customer
24. main customer = główny klient main customer
25. current customer = obecny klient current customer
26. tough customer = twardziel, twardy zawodnik tough customer
27. private customer = klient indywidualny private customer
29. longtime customer = longtime klient longtime customer
30. single customer = stanu wolnego klient single customer
31. Russian customer = Rosyjski klient Russian customer
32. average customer = przeciętny klient average customer
  • And I don't believe our average customer reads about it.
  • Perhaps they get better treatment and more carefully prepared food than the average customer.
  • The increase means that the average residential customer will pay $4.41 more a month.
  • Under the new rate, the average residential customer will pay about $8 more a month.
  • "My average customer is here for five minutes, in and out," he said.
  • That is more than the average customer has on deposit.
  • For years, the family income of its average customer was $39,000 a year.
  • Further, he states that they are 50% more influential than an average customer.
  • The increase would be about $20 a month for the average residential customer.
  • Be sure you dress the part by looking like an average customer.
33. small customer = mały klient small customer
34. black customer = czarnoskóry klient black customer
35. happy customer = szczęśliwy klient happy customer
36. female customer = żeński klient female customer
37. wealthy customer = bogaty klient wealthy customer
przyimek + customer
Kolokacji: 21
to customers • with customers • for customers • between customers • from customers • ...

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