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"current" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

current przymiotnik

current + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 997
current system • current location • current level • current issue • current law • current event • current situation • current rate • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 100
  • But they cannot quite figure out what the current level is.
  • Only one current level can be present at any time.
  • You can see your current level in many different areas.
  • In 2006, the top tax rate would then return to its current level, 3.648 percent.
  • The club has never played any higher than its current level.
  • For two years, interest rates can be cut to 5 percent, almost half current levels.
  • Then, in 1990 the President started to cut them to their current level - 11 percent.
  • At current levels, the deal would be worth about $253 million.
  • The new level, he said, would be about 20 percent of current American levels.
  • The work force also will remain at the current level, company officials said.
4. current issue = aktualna kwestia, bieżąca kwestia current issue
5. current law = bieżące prawo current law
7. current situation = obecna sytuacja, bieżąca sytuacja, aktualna sytuacja current situation
8. current rate = kurs dnia, stawka bieżąca current rate
10. current owner = obecny właściciel current owner
11. current form = bieżąca forma current form
21. current climate = obecny klimat current climate
22. current generation = obecna generacja current generation
23. current contract = obecna umowa current contract
27. current budget = obecny budżet current budget
30. current crop = obecna uprawa current crop
33. current incarnation = bieżąca inkarnacja current incarnation
34. current flow = przepływ prądu current flow
40. current theory = rozpowszechniona teoria current theory
41. current circumstance = obecna okoliczność current circumstance
45. current plan = bieżący plan current plan
49. current rule = Bieżąca zasada current rule
51. current format = obecny format current format
54. current market = obecny rynek current market
57. current round = obecna runda current round
61. current problem = aktualny problem current problem
62. current structure = obecna struktura current structure
63. current quarter = bieżący kwartał current quarter
64. current job = aktualna praca current job
65. current term = używany termin current term
66. current environment = aktualne środowisko current environment
69. current capacity = obecna pojemność current capacity
70. current legislation = obecne ustawodawstwo current legislation
76. current use = Obecne wykorzystanie current use
78. current campaign = obecna kampania current campaign
79. current interest = rynkowa stopa procentowa current interest
80. current activity = obecna działalność current activity
81. current size = obecna wielkość current size
83. current lineup = obecny lineup current lineup
88. current show = obecne widowisko current show
89. current season = bieżąca pora roku current season
90. current record = rekord bieżący current record
92. current role = obecna rola current role
93. current home = obecny dom current home
94. current manager = obecny kierownik current manager
95. current champion = obecny mistrz current champion
98. current team = obecny zespół current team
99. current work = aktualna praca current work
kolokacje pogrupowane znaczeniowo
Grup znaczeniowych: 166
przysłówek + current
Kolokacji: 3
most current • completely current • longer current
current + przyimek
Kolokacji: 10
current in • current of • current with • current on • current through • ...

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