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"credit" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

credit rzeczownik

rzeczownik + credit
Kolokacji: 51
tax credit • opening credit • film credit • college credit • television credit • screen credit • end credit • consumer credit • ...
credit + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 121
credit card • credit rating • credit union • credit market • credit line • credit crunch • credit history • credit report • credit risk • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 36
3. credit union = spółdzielcza kasa pożyczkowa credit union
5. credit line = wzmianka (w napisach lub w artykule) credit line
6. credit crunch = kryzys kredytowy, krach kredytowy, załamanie na rynku kredytowym credit crunch
7. credit history = historia kredytu credit history
8. credit report = raport o zdolności kredytowej credit report
9. credit risk = ryzyko kredytowe credit risk
11. credit card debt = zadłużenie na karcie kredytowej credit card debt
12. credit hour = punktowana godzina zajęć (na uczelniach wyższych) credit hour
13. credit rating agency = agencja ratingowa (firma zajmująca się oceną wiarygodności kredytowej) credit rating agency
14. credit card company = karta kredytowa spółka credit card company
15. credit card number = liczba karty kredytowej credit card number
16. credit debit card = kredyt karta debetowa credit debit card
17. credit quality = jakość kredytów credit quality
18. credit agency = agencja ratingowa (firma zajmująca się oceną wiarygodności kredytowej) credit agency
19. credit bureau = wywiadownia gospodarcza credit bureau
20. credit crisis = kryzys kredytowy credit crisis
21. UK credit binge = Brytyjska biba kredytu UK credit binge
22. credit check = kredyt czek credit check
23. credit limit = limit kredytowy (suma wypłat z karty kredytowej) credit limit
24. credit card fraud = oszustwo z wykorzystaniem karty kredytowej credit card fraud
25. credit facility = kredyt, produkt kredytowy credit facility
27. credit system = system kredytowy credit system
28. credit card bill = rachunek karty kredytowej credit card bill
29. credit analyst = analityk kredytowy credit analyst
30. credit record = kredyt zapis credit record
31. credit card issuer = emitent karty kredytowej credit card issuer
32. credit policy = polityka kredytowa credit policy
33. credit account = konto kredytowe credit account
  • The working credit account had been balanced, closed, and signed off.
  • My parents, children of the Depression, had a credit account at the city's major department store which they kept up to date every month.
  • An alert can help stop someone from opening new credit accounts in your name.
  • What is the ideal number of credit accounts, and how often should consumers use them?
  • Where can a new borrower go for his or her first credit account?
  • A child's own credit account is enough to support it.
  • You'd be picked up the minute you tried to use your credit account.
  • In 1986 this credit account was removed from the budget.
  • To their knowledge, they had no credit account of any kind.
  • "Do you have any money other than that in your credit account?"
34. credit agreement = umowa kredytowa credit agreement
35. credit condition = warunek kredytu credit condition
36. credit card information = informacje karty kredytowej credit card information
credit + czasownik
Kolokacji: 28
credit includes • Credit adapts • credit goes • credit rolls • credit belongs • ...
czasownik + credit
Kolokacji: 64
give credit • take credit • receive credit • deserve credit • claim credit • extend credit • get credit • share credit • provide credit • ...
przymiotnik + credit
Kolokacji: 81
full credit • great credit • extraordinary credit • additional credit • new credit • academic credit • extra credit • ...
przyimek + credit
Kolokacji: 17
of credit • on credit • for credit • with credit • to one's credit • ...

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