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"cooperative" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

cooperative przymiotnik

cooperative + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 80
cooperative effort • cooperative agreement • cooperative venture • cooperative relationship • cooperative program • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 8
1. cooperative effort = wspólny wysiłek cooperative effort
  • "We've got a number of ideas, but this has to be a cooperative joint effort between the school administration, the staff and the state."
  • In this cooperative effort, there is a need for everyone to become involved.
  • Those involved called the project a cooperative effort, and even the weather pitched in.
  • "We want to work in a cooperative effort to reach multiple social goals," he said.
  • The series is unusual in being an international cooperative effort.
  • Even bringing them back required cooperative effort, which was why they selected only the best.
  • He noted that for all of them racing was a cooperative effort.
  • It is a cooperative effort between the school, parents, the student and the employer.
  • This mission has been a cooperative effort from the beginning.
  • There's a lot of talk about cooperative efforts we can do with the owners.
2. cooperative agreement = umowa przedwstępna cooperative agreement
3. cooperative venture = wspólne śmiałe przedsięwzięcie cooperative venture
5. cooperative apartment = spółdzielcze mieszkanie cooperative apartment
8. cooperative movement = spółdzielczość cooperative movement
przysłówek + cooperative
Kolokacji: 5
fully cooperative • most cooperative • extremely cooperative • entirely cooperative • highly cooperative

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